Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez end with relationship tras cuatro años juntos

This is a compromise that will last for two years, Jennifer Lopez y Alex Rodriguez will end your final form relationship.

The couple had some rumors of infidelity on the part of the sportswoman. Admás, tuvieron que cancelar su boda aausa la pandemia del coronavirus, pero pariecía que las cos iban bien entre ellos.

Without embarrassment, since weeks ago no one has published anything else on social media, and now there is a serious sign that the romance has ended.

The last post that has been sung by the ex-ex-ballist, is February 28, 2021, and he can see Alex giving a message to Jennifer, while celebrating the Day of the Independence of the Dominican Republic.

In addition, the actress shared a time with a clip also on her Instagram account in which she wrote that now is “looking for reasons to watch”, along with a video where she appears in distant interviews, laughing.

At the moment, none of them have any comments to confirm or cancel their rupture.

Although rumors are spreading like a probable cause, a source is looking at the statement to E! ‘News’ is at the right time esos señalamientos no le importaban.

“Everything is fine with Alex. She does not say that the rumors of the English affect and choose not to pay attention “, said the person.

Without embarrassment, since December 2020, I have had some signals that these things did not work out well, and on one occasion Lopez was forced to buy only his daughters and his mother, and to use his share of compromise.

The love story of Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez began in 2017, in a very special way. Then A-Rod confessed that his line for the conqueror in the first quote simply resulted in the sexy that Lucia had with the rope she wore.

Luego de esto, gerugte hubo algunos sober la pareja, pero ne se confirm it sinta unas meses despue, cuando acudieron juntos a un television. Y desde entonces se habían vuelto onafskeidbaar.

The couple always cherished a special chemistry in the red alphabras and events, and constantly posted daily messages in the social speeches, where Rodriguez did not want to praise his novel, and Lopez called it “Mi Macho”.

In 2019, a bunch of young men and women have been living in Miami for a long time with their honeymooners and friends, the couple is compromising over a trip to the beach.

This is a good list to celebrate in 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic that took place. Hasta que, JLo confessed that the habían canceled indefinite form, but signaled that simply create that in the situation the best would not appreciate the things.

As a matter of fact, I confess that during the first months of the quarantine I have had a couple therapy, and I know that these habits help a lot.

Currently, the couple is also physically separated, since it is located in the Dominican Republic grabs its new movie, ‘Shotgun Wedding’, and it is in the United States.


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