Jennifer Lawrence suffers an accident during the rolling of a film and temporarily suspends production

The star of the chin results in heridae grabar a lot of special effects that salio mal. Lawrence planea volver a rodar el lunes.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence’s girlfriend suffers from a minor accident because she has a lot of special effects and a series of videos that will save the car hire, Deadline reports.

The performance had to take place in Boston (EE.UU.) during the filming of the movie produced by Netflix ‘Don’t Look Up’ (No Mirrors Wanted) and was forced to temporarily suspend the filming set. Actually, Lawrence is recovering from the impact and plans to turn the tide as soon as possible.

‘Don’t Look Up’ is a comedy of disasters dirigida by Adam McKay. Along with Leonardo DiCaprio, Lawrence interprets a Poca astronomer as he, along with his colleague, takes a media turn to advertise humanity on the proximity of an asteroid that will destroy the planet. The movie star is scheduled for this year.
