Jeff Bezos’ ex is at home with his master (reaction of the magnate is the best)

Curiously, one of the first to congratulate the new couple was Jeff Bezos, who had just passed away in a letter. “Dan is a great guy and he’s happy and excited about both,” assured the magnate of the online store.

Dan’s message was confirmed by MacKenzie Scott.

Fue a través del sitio The gives promise That Dan happens to be married to MacKenzie and celebrates that his new wife is a very “generous” person.

“It’s strange to be writing a card indicating that the mayor’s plan is going to fail me, and that no one has ever sought the kind of riches necessary to make him feel that this is not a very important thing. as a graduate student of the generosity of women me rodean …

“And now, in a wave of coincidence, I’ve been with one of the most generous and amiable people I know, and I’m united in a huge amount of money. Rich to serve the demas “.
