JCE solicited opinion polls by writing on order in ballot papers and distribution of recourse resources

The plenum of the Central Electoral Union (JCE) asked for political parties, groups and movements to give its opinion in writing on the numerical order in which they appear in the ballot papers.

Asimismo, in its ordinary administrative session, the plenum of the Junta requested that it also send in writing the opinion of the political entities on the distribution of economic resources received for the State.

This modality is available at the state of the pandemic used by COVID-19.

The referendum opinion will be deposited in the offices of the General Secretariat of the JCE and, for such fines, available until the 15th of January of 2021, at 14:00 pm

The organism also indicates that, depending on the location of the plaza, the different opinions deposited will be studied and, subsequently, the corresponding resolution will be dictated.

Abinader pide reduction of resources

In November of this year, President Luis Abinader reiterated his position of joining the political parties on the 50th minute of the presumption assigned to the Junta Central Electoral, especially the economic situation that will pave the way for peace.

Asimismo, the governing body argues that the middle class is transitional and that, as there was no electoral year, political organizations can be adequately managed with 50 percent of the funds they provide.

The remainder of the appeals are aimed at the construction of the Santo Domingo Autonomous University (UASD), in the Santo Domingo Este municipality, which for years has been supporting students in its area.
