JCE informs este mércoles cuáles seran los partitos mayoritarios

The President of the Junta Central Electoral (JCE), Román Jáquez Liranzo, informs that the electoral organ must know this very thing, the criterion that is used to determine the order of the electoral ballot and the distribution of the 1,260 million pounds that it holds the State for which it is divided between the different political parties. This decision will allow several parties to hold majorities and minorities.

“Exactly what it is that we are going to clarify and validate the position of the different political parties in the plenum and the plenum and the plenum will make a decision in this sentencing. Expressed by Jáquez Liranzo, who read at the JCE headquarters around 9:40 a.m.

In addition to the fact that the main political parties do not agree on the use of a criterion specifically specifying the decision of the plenum of the entity, the President only agrees that the decision will be based on the “Laws and the Constitution”.

The JCE’s plenary session will be held in session on the 10th of this month and its theme will be the only item on the agenda.

The last of the four resolutions dictated by the full passage on the order of the electoral ballot and used for the elections of the fifth of July, establish that the order of the ballot papers should be summarized by the percentages of all electoral levels ( municipalities, congresses and presidencies).

The political parties must have the delay to submit their replies and counter-positions on the criterion to be used.

Regarding the economic distribution of the parties, Article 61 of the Law 33-18 on Parties, Agrupaciones establish that 80% of its resources will be distributed and equal shares between the parties that have been increased by more than five votes in favor of the parties. “Ultimate election”. These will be considered as the majority parties.

A 12%, distributed among all parties that hayan increased more than one per cent (1%) and less than five per cent of the votes cast in the last election while the remainder increased by one, between the parties that hayan alcanz between a 0.01% and 1%.
