Javier Burrai, Barcelona SC hero 2020 champion | National Championship | Deport

Cristian Martínez Borja was framed to take part in the Quito League in penalties, but was met with inspiration Javier Burrai, who intuyó the remat of the Colombian and desató the euphoria in Barcelona SC, who lodged in Casa Blanca on his tenth corona in the national ballot box.

“It’s a sueño, fue mi viejo. Te lo juro que fue mi viejo”, exclaims between lágrimas el Argentine golero mientras se abrazaba con Matías Oyola.

And it is that in October I received the lamentable notice that his father had failed. It was obligatory to play improvisation to his native Argentina to give the ultimate farewell, and to lose the previous Independent of the Valley to the Copa Libertadores, in which Barcelona paid for 2-0. Víctor Mendoza took part in this dispute on October 21 at the Atahualpa Olympics.

“Perdí a la persona más importante. Always accompanies me behind the poles, I have no rear axle, I was standing in front of him carrying the penalties”, expresses a lie to GolTV.

Macará’s ex-girlfriend saw Barcelona’s figure in the final, with decisive leaps and bounds of the key to compromise, which he saw with his team until the final, in order to concentrate on the penalties. During the 90 minutes salvo to his team on occasional rides, as a Quintero rematch in the five minutes of play, a home rematch of Martínez Borja (11 m), a distance rematch from Perlaza (14 m) and a cabezazo de Martínez Borja (27 m).

Additionally, brindo security in the defensive zaga each time salia to draw a center or to intercept some balloon that plays on the wings of Aimar and Riveros.

League executed four penalties and fell three, only Jordy Alcívar logaro encajar. Piovi shone the balloon horizontally and Burrai flew the cobras of Guerra and Martínez Borja. Álvez, Oyola y Díaz anotaron para los canarios.

Pero el cancerbero también is responsible for several important points that consigned Barcelona to host the second stage and, posteriorly, the champion. It is on the podium of the best players of this team in the 2020 championship. tuvo el portero.

In a tactical duel like the one proposed by Pablo Repetto and Fabián Bustos, it was clear that the architects would have a fundamental paper. The best of the tournament: Adrián Gabbarini and Javier Burrai. I received a goal in both games and responded with big fights, but the penalty kicks were consigned to Barcelona. The regularity that mantuvo lasts all the time summed up in the major events that took place in the best arcade of the LigaPro 2020.

Arquero extranjero champion with Barcelona after 39 years

Barcelona were not champions with a foreign side from 1981, when Juan Domingo Pereyra came out as the title. A year of 39 years the amarillos won their sixth national crown match with the Argentine Javier Burrai custodiando the three palos. (D)
