Japan’s suicides jumped 16% in COVID-19 second wave after falling in first case: study

Suicide rates in Japan increased in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among women and children, although it did fall in the first wave when the government offered generous handouts to people, a survey found.

The suicide rate in July-October increased by 16% compared to the same period a year earlier, according to a study by researchers at Hong Kong University and the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, a clear reversal of the February-June decline with 14%.

“Unlike normal economic conditions, this pandemic is excessively affecting the psychological health of children, adolescents and women (especially housewives),” the authors wrote in the study published Friday in the journal Nature Human Behavior.

The study found that the early decline in suicides was influenced by factors such as government subsidies, reduced working hours and school closure.

But the decline was reversed – with the suicide rate rising by 37% for women, about five times the increase among men – as the protracted pandemic of women dominating, hurting and increasing the burden on working mothers increased, while domestic violence increased has, reads the report.

The study, based on data from health services from November 2016 to October last year, found that the suicide rate rose by 49% in the second wave, corresponding to the period after a nationwide school closure.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga this month issued a COVID-19 state of emergency for Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures in an effort to stem the revival. He expanded it last week to seven more prefectures, including Osaka and Kyoto.

Taro Kono, minister of administrative and regulatory reform, said on Thursday that although the government would consider expanding the state of emergency, it could not kill the economy.

“People are worried about COVID-19. But many people also committed suicide because they lost their jobs, lost their income and could not see the hope,” he said. “We need to find the balance between managing COVID-19 and managing the economy.”

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help, resources are available. In case of emergency, please call 119 in Japan for immediate assistance. The TELL Lifeline is available for those who need free and anonymous counseling at 03-5774-0992. You can also visit telljp.com. Visit www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html for people in other countries for a detailed list of resources.

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