Japanese scientists develop anti-inflammatory medicine

The scientists of Japan discover the mechanism that helps the body to discourage the cells that are contaminated.

Professor Makoto Nakanisi, of the University of Tokyo dijo as the foundation of new technologyíand it is the body that desires the old cells that can not be divided because they can provoke inflammation and envy.

Nakasi in his statement dijo: “If these cells are eliminated then they can undergo the inflammatory processes that originate, for this reason they can ensure an important major in the symptoms of inflammation.”.

An investigation was carried out that was discovered to be necessary the enzyme GLS1 which helps the cells to be considered for sobrevivir.

With the help of inhibitor that will slow down this enzyme will be able to suppress the cells that originate the inflammation.

As an inhibitor of this type, he made the decision to use a drug against the cancer he was suffering from. clinical trials. (the increase in cancer cells also depends on the enzyme GLS1).

The scientists also declare that the samples in rat tuvieron écito.

Nakasini dijo: “With a high probability can be used against the cambios related to the oath if it has no secondary effects. For this reason, it is likely that they use ampliamente dentro de muy poco tiempo. This is a lot of hope ”.
