Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean says the media is sympathetic to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over the balloon deaths in New York City nursing homes due to the coronavirus, and has not held him accountable for his fatal policy. did not cause. more than 15,000 elderly people in their lifetime to die.
“I think this is just a good example of the double standard,” Dean said in an interview with Fox News. Her in-laws died last year as a result of contracting COVID-19 into an aid facility, and she has since been a vocal critic of the Democratic governor’s policies.
‘It was furious because they did not just do [the media] To protect Cuomo, but they encouraged him to promote himself, ‘Dean said of the lack of media coverage following the bombing this week by a top Cuomo assistant that the government deliberately withheld COVID-19 data amid an investigation into the Department of Justice’s deaths in nursing homes in four states, including New York.
‘All the major news networks showed fluff from him and his family, his book. He sold a poster showing the COVID mountain and the fact that he had flattened the curve. He promotes himself and earns money from the deaths of 40,000 New Yorkers, ” Fox News’ senior meteorologist said.
Dean said her family did not even know her husband’s father was ill until one Saturday morning at the end of March they received a call from the nursing home he was in.
“We were in quarantine, so we could not see them,” she said. “The people who worked at the nursing home were for our eyes and ears. We did not even know he was sick. We called and said he was not feeling well and three hours later we called and said he was sick. “We did not know he was dead to COVID until the death certificate.”
Dean’s mother-in-law also had a similar fate.
“My mother-in-law got COVID in an emergency room and she died in the hospital. And her number doesn’t count,” Dean said. He refers to the state that holds the state of COVID deaths.

Dee and Mickey Newman and one of their grandsons.
(Thanks to Janice Dean)
Cuomo’s government acknowledged in a letter to lawmakers in New York on Wednesday that the actual death toll for the elderly in nursing homes was 15,049 – nearly 10,000 more than the Department of Health reported at the end of January.
“We knew it all along,” Dean said. “That’s why I’ve been talking since May. We knew they did not report the total number because they do not count the number of dead in the hospital SLAUGHTERED from their nursing homes, like my mother-in-law. . ”
Dean urges lawmakers to open an investigation into Cuomo’s leadership throughout the pandemic and be held accountable for the deaths due to his earlier mandate for Empire State Nursing Homes to accept patients who had COVID-19 or is suspected.
“I think now they need to do something now that there is an official at senior level on tape who basically says they have covered up the numbers. They need to do something now. They are backed in a corner,” she said. the New York State Assembly.
“Now that there is some security in the number and the knowledge that there is a smoking gun there and know that their voters are interested in the story, because it has affected so many New Yorkers and should not have a political affiliation.”
Dean also blew up dealing with recent nursing home visits, which remain extremely limited amid the pandemic.
‘I talk all the time to people who are at the end, because to this day they can not go and see their loved ones and there is all sorts of talk about going to sporting events and testing quickly and doing something like that. Well, why can’t they see their family members? “Even people in prison, there is a protocol that they can go see their loved ones or whoever, but they can not go see them in a nursing home,” she said.
Cuomo allowed limited visits during the pandemic, mostly outdoors, but for elderly patients who are in bed or who cannot go outside due to cold winter weather, the options are few.
“From the beginning, Cuomo has not listened to science,” she added. “I think he listens to people who carry his pockets and I think it is a corrupt government. There is a lot of research into how he leads, why he has so much power.”
Cuomo’s office did not return Fox News’ repeated requests for comment.