Jane Fonda (83) does not want to remarry

Jane Fonda does not want to remarry.

The 83-year-old actress has been married three times – to Roger Vadim, Tom Hayden and Ted Turner – and jokes a ‘successful marriage’ is the only thing she has ever achieved in her lifetime.

Jane. who will receive a special award at the Golden Globes on Sunday, also admitted that she does not want to ‘mark’ the achievement, as she does not intend to walk the corridor for the fourth time.

Not down the aisle again: Jane Fonda does not want to remarry.  The 83-year-old actress has been married three times - to Roger Vadim, Tom Hayden and Ted Turner - and joked that a 'successful marriage' is the only thing she has ever achieved in her lifetime.

Not down the aisle again: Jane Fonda does not want to remarry. The 83-year-old actress has been married three times – to Roger Vadim, Tom Hayden and Ted Turner – and joked that a ‘successful marriage’ is the only thing she has achieved in her lifetime.

Asked by Page Six if there was anything she had not yet achieved that she still wanted to do, she said: ‘I will tell you something I have not yet achieved, which is a successful marriage.

“But the second part of your question is, ‘Do you want to?’ I do not want to.

“See I live alone. I have no guy who does not want a woman who is willing to be angry and who does not want a woman who is willing to be angry and stand up.

“I’m not threatening anyone. I can watch on TV whatever I want. So I never want to be married again. But this is something I wish I could have been better at. ‘

Man # 1: with French director Roger Vadim at the 1971 Oscars in Los Angeles

Man # 1: with French director Roger Vadim at the 1971 Oscars in Los Angeles

She was married to Vadim from 1965 to 1973; after Hayden from 1973 to 1990; and to Turner from 1991 to 2001. Jane also loved music producer Richard Perry.

Meanwhile, the Grace And Frankie star recently said she’s not getting intimate anymore because she ‘had’ had so much of it ‘and that things that’ froze ‘for her had been overlooked.

Asked if she still has’ crazy sex ‘, she reveals:’ No, zero. I do not have time. I’m old and had so much of it, I do not need it now because I’m too busy. My favorite ex-husband Ted Turner, he always said, if you wait too long, it’s frozen. I think he’s right! I could not have sex again, not even if I wanted to. ‘

And Jane also insisted that she ‘does not know’ how to make a marriage work.

With man # 2: The star is seen with politician Tom Hayden during the premiere of The China Syndrome in 1979

With man # 2: The star is seen with politician Tom Hayden during the premiere of The China Syndrome in 1979

She said: ‘Those who have parents who have been married their whole lives find it much easier to make relationships work. My father was married five times. I did not know how to make a marriage work.

‘Maybe I was scared to have a marriage. I do not know … It’s nice when it works, when people grow together and are together for a lifetime. How wonderful. I wish I could experience that.

“I miss something that can make a marriage work. I do not spend much time regretting the fact that I have not had one long marriage. I have had three very beautiful, interesting marriages and I am grateful for that. ‘

Man # 3: The beauty with her 'favorite husband' Ted Turner in West Hollywood in 1992

Man # 3: The beauty with her ‘favorite husband’ Ted Turner in West Hollywood in 1992

This comes after Fonda said she uses a hemp-vape pen to help her get a good night’s sleep.

According to the Monster In Law star, she swapped sleeping pills for vaping before going to bed, because the tablets would make her feel ‘hangover’ the next day and that she would have to sleep.

The Book Club actress, who insisted she was not vape to get high, told SELF: ‘It’s not getting you high, but it’s four pulls and I’m asleep. I’m a little obsessed with hemp. Not for the reasons you think, you know, because it makes you high. Because I no longer smoke pot to get high.

‘Before I discovered Dosist Sleep vape pens, which I can get MedMen at stores here in Los Angeles, I took sleeping pills. And I’ll be hanging out the next day. When I shot Grace and Frankie, I broke a pill in half, and I was going to take a very, very small dose. But the next day I will have to sleep during lunch. I don’t have to do that anymore. When I wake up, I do not have to sleep during the day. ‘

Her final splendor: Fonda and music producer Richard Perry arrive at the 52nd annual GRAMMY Awards - Salute To Icons Honoring Doug Morris Held in 2010 at The Beverly Hilton Hotel

Her final splendor: Fonda and music producer Richard Perry arrive at the 52nd annual GRAMMY Awards – Salute To Icons Honoring Doug Morris Held in 2010 at The Beverly Hilton Hotel

The Oscar winner also revealed that she likes to be in bed early at 18:30 or 19:00, but she only goes to bed around 22:00 after watching TV.

She said, ‘Look, I live alone. I do not have a husband or a lover, so can do what I want. I’m usually pretty early to bed. I have a bed where you can lift your head and lift your feet. You know, like a hospital bed. It is a very comfortable mattress. So I lift my head and lift my feet and start watching television. ‘

And Fonda admitted that she could not sleep without putting on her fan.

She added: ‘I turn the temperature down to 68 and turn on the fan so the air is always moving. It is difficult for me to sleep unless there is air moving. Preferably cool air, so it’s nice that my bedroom has a ceiling fan. Well, I actually installed it – it’s not been there before. It’s very quiet where I live, so there are no outside noises to disturb me during the night. There were a few earthquakes, but they were not major. It’s about that. ‘
