Jamie Raskin encapsulates Democrat “fiscalism” to argue against Trump in impeachment. | News Univision Politica

Perdió a su hijo de 25 años solo unos días antes of asalto al Capitolio del 6 enero de 2021, pero el representative Jamie Raskin looks forward to meeting the team of congressmen who will be taxing to present the indictment during the political trial of President Donald Trump in the Senate.

What does it mean to assume this responsibility when you have a duel for a loss that has an impact on a father? Y, what was chosen for this area?

Raskin, who represents the Maryland District 8, entered Tommy’s 5th year. On the following day, a trumpet of Trump’s followers invaded the Capitol to try to frustrate the certification of the Electoral College’s result that gave Joe Biden the victory that was established in a bicameral session of Congress.

Tommy quit living in the year of Año Nuevo tras luchar against the depression during years, of agreement with the family. The death of his wife, the legislator of 58 years continues with his work and the day of the attack on the Capitol was resolved during the session, which, although not protocol in principle, was preceded by tensions generated by the false idea that Trump’s divide and his campaign that the result would be altered in his benefit with the help of Vice President Mike Pence (in fact he did not take the podium, as Pence stated in the previous mandate).

At the same time as the congressmen are holding their meeting, President Trump will arrange for his speakers and invitees to meet the Capitol, as well as degenerate in a newspaper that oversees security checks and appointments to the halls of Congress, generating destruction. , the death of 5 people and paralyzing by various hours the legislative procedure.

With Tomy “in the heart”

During the attack, Raskin was separated from his wife Tabitha, 23 years ago, and the wife of his mayor, Hank, was invited to testify at the final validation of the triumph of presidential electors. Raskin, su hija y yerno pudieron reunirse una hora despu by the police.

The family tragedy of the Raskim family and the national that staged in Washington, was a rationale for becoming more of a legal entity, but the Democrat decided to accept the responsibility of being the leader of the ‘managers’ of the ‘impeachment’, who argued en bevoordeel die hallar punishable to Trump for instigating his followers to stop the Capitol during a few minutes before the attack.

“Llevé a Tommy en mi corazón todo ese tiempo”, dijo Raskin a CNN about his jornada water 6 de enero. “I’ve debated this, including the atrocity that stems from the chicos and by our republic, I feel valued and animated by the fortitude and values ​​of my hijo”, dijo al explains why he assumes this responsibility in a moment of pain for his family.

Raskin dijo a NPR who made the decision to talk to his wife and wife, without deleting the last message from his wife: “For the sake of forgiveness. I was very sick. For the sake of the one on the other, to the animals, and the poor of the world for me. With all my love, Tommy ”.

“Tommy gave us a message”, Raskin said in the news item. “He did not say anything about taking a break”.

He makes sure that his family is always very important to his political career and that his decision to enter politics in 2006 was a family decision, according to Raskin’s CNN account. His wife and husband will vote for him and he will take part in his campaign.

His spiritual fortune asombró to his fellow Democrat Joe Neguse, of Colorado, integral to the team of Trump prosecutors in the Senate.

“Going by the type of loss and duel that has happened, and yet I have the same path and sentiment to propose to save our republic is simply unbelievable,” said CNN Neguse, who was looking for Raskin. “I was inspired – I was inspired. Inspired by the ‘managers’ of the team and certainly believed that he had an inspiration for all the country, certainly for the legislators of both parties ”.

Cómo fue escogido

To make the announcement, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Nancy Pelosi, joined Raskin as the leader of the team that promotes Trump’s accusation of his constitutional lawsuit, his experience on legal issues within Congress and beyond. to check the situation in the Capitol, it would have been better to write the charge against Trump: instigation and insurrection.

Meter meters in the political road, Raskin becomes Professor of Constitutional Laws at the American University of Washington DC for more than two decades. His political career began as Maryland’s state senator in 2007 and was elected to Congress in 2016.

“This attack, violence, insurgency, in violation of the union is the presidential crime in the history of the United States, and will establish a terrible precedent if we do not respond,” Raskin told NPR.

The senators have been judged to comply with the jurisprudence of the judiciary, but the arguments will not be heard until 9 February. The Cámara Baja commences the quarterly process of ‘impeachment’ of the history of the state on the 13th of January and Monday Raskin knowledge in person about the Senate about the cargo against Trump.

“There is no abstract or conceptual academic about this serious crime and it is a minor offense for no congressman to legislate,” said Raskin. “This is a direct attack on our electoral institutions. It is a president’s wish, and it’s also the turmoil that it seeks to interfere with the vote of the Electoral College that is unreserved at the moment ”.

Raskin also made an important paper in the first ‘impeachment’ of Trump in 2019, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, but was not included in the group of representatives who presented the case to the Senate for abuse of power and obstruction of congressional research by to apply to the governor of Ukraine to announce an investigation into the case of Joe Biden, in order to influence the campaign of democratically elected candidates.

The prognostication of the second political juice to Trump is not favorable to the aspirations of the Democrats. The Mayor of Republican Senators will vote in favor of reinstating the political juice arguing that it is unconstitutional.

The Republicans will lose 50-45, but they will decide that apartheid will not be enough for them to pay tribute to Trump. There are 67 senators missing out of the 100 who are in line with the chamber, it is said that 17 Republicans should vote against the man who, despised and silenced, sees the leader of his party and a fight with what should happen in the coming years.

