James Hamblin is a medical specialist in preventive medicine and professor at the prestigious Yale University. Five years ago I made a decision that, in the first instance, I would like to have one more extra: day off. Hoy echa la vista atrás y no puede estar más satisfecho: “Me encuentro perfectly perfectly well. Te acostumbras. Me siento normal”.
Corría el año 2015 cuando dejó de pasar a diario por la ducha: “Pasamos dos años completes de nuestras vidas bañándonos. ¿Cuanto de ese tiempo (y dinero y agua) es un desperdicio?” But, where did he go? “There are many people who are very small. I think it is possible, but I would like to be intentional by myself to see the effect of the series “.

El Confidencial
Now, five years have passed, no one can be more than happy with his decision: “With time, your body is acostumbra each time more than no huel tan mal if not used deodorant and soap. Y u piel no se vuelve tan grasienta cuando dejas de usar jabones fuertes. Many people use champu to eliminate the aceites of the cable and then apply a conditioner to collocate synthetic aces. If logs are stored in this circle, your cable will end the manner in which you are going to use their products “.
Cinco años sin ducharse
James explained to the BBC that “the main thing is that the time has come to take effect, no matter what happens in the morning, it is not immediate. I have moments when I think I can do it because it’s extra, it’s bad and it feels like it’s fat But that’s why I’m sorry to hear that “. And it explains a graphic form: how many are used, less are needed; and how many are needed, less used.
Hamblim published his experience in the book ‘Limpio: the new science of the skin and the beauty of making men’
The doctor explains that he or she is excessively “altera” a species of equilibrium between the oils of the skin and the bacteria that live. When you aggressively shower, it destroys the ecosystems. Repurable quickly, but species that are unbalanced and tend to favor the types of microbes that produce olor. Your ecosystem has an unstable state and bad days. Geen hueles como agua de rosas … Eenfaldige hueles como una persona “.
A periodical to James Hamblin said le preocupaba “estar oliendo”, but that is not the end of education. The doctor recognizes that he is asking “colleagues, friends and people who are serious about being honest” to make sure he does not take a bad breath. Now, dice que tiene un olor “propio”: su esposa se ha acostumbrado y hasta le gusta, mientras que resto conocidos se conforman con decir que “no está mal”.