Jair Bolsonaro’s Invisible Visit to a San Pablo Play

Jair Bolsonaro provokes agglomeration in a play

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, provoked one agglomeration este viernes por la tarde en una playa de San Pablo. The mandate made a boat trip to Praia Grande y nadó hacia los bañistas que lo rodearon para tratar de saludarlo.

Dressed in a Santos t-shirt and accompanied by security guards, Bolsonaro spends a few minutes in the sea between decades of people without social distance.

The last night of 2020 was spent in Forte dos Andradas, en Guarujá, una ciudad cercana a Praia Grande.

The City Officer is on vacation at the Baixada Santista from Monday, who participated in a football match benefiting the Santos Stadium. Debería begins met Brasilia the week that comes to return to its functions.

Bolsonaro, between the people in the sea
Bolsonaro, between the people in the sea

Antes of his incursion into the sea and to show rodente of new people, Bolsonaro describes the youth that the antiquated holiday is atrasada in Brazil, attributes the failure of a check to the start of the campaign to the demo of the laboratory proposals register your products and insist on immunization will not be mandatory in the country.

The governing body affirms in its traditional direct transmission of the juveniles in social networks as soon as the laboratories soliciting register of their vacancies and the organ regulator of Brazil approve, the Gobierno will buy the antidotes and immediately initiate the immunization campaign.

Dijo also said that, in addition to the negotiations that Gobierno is conducting with Pfizer, AstraZeneca-Oxford, Janssen and Bharat Biotech laboratories to acquire their vacancies, Brazil can also buy the antidote of the modern pharmaceutical which, according to studies published by the market, has an efficiency of 94%.

“As far as the Ministry of Health is concerned, the companies have presented the documentation before the National Aid Agency (Anvisa) in order to, as far as their products are concerned, we can buy their vacancies. Because the population is clamoring for them”, Afirmó el eefe de Estado.

Bolsonaro nadando hacia decenas de personas
Bolsonaro nadando hacia decenas de personas

With more than 7.6 million contagions and 195,000 deaths from coronavirus, the Latin American giant, one of the most affected by the pandemic, todavía has not defined the exact date of the commencement of the vacancy, a process that has been initiated in other countries of the region, such as Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica.

The expectation of the Ministry of Health is initiate the vacancy between the 20th of February and the 10th of February, although everything depends on the register of medicines on the part of the pharmaceuticals ante la Anvisa, a hecho that has not been corrected at the moment.

Bolsonaro assures that the countries that initiate the evacuation are advancing very slowly.

“United States vacates less than 1% of its population, less than 3 million people; United Kingdom in 1% and Germany less than 1% ”, dijo.

Vacation will be free without obligation in Brazil (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
Vacation will be free without obligation in Brazil (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)


Agregó que la vacacacion en Brasil will be free and voluntary and insists that we cannot oblige the public to use a vacancy for which the laboratory proposals are not responsible.

“The vacancies are in an experimental phase and the companies say they are concluding the studies. Como (the security) is not entirely tested, they are not responsible for the collateral effects. And it’s my duty as president to declare to the people that they are not responsible”, Afirmó.

“In addition to Pfizer’s vacancy, there will be another, the Modern, which will be in demand in Brazil,” he said, referring to the high efficiency of the antidote developed by his laboratory.

What is missing? Falta define who is going to take and who is not going to take the vacuna. Let us know the details of the campaign and define if the infected person had to take the vaccine or not. In my particular case, that he was infected and had anticure, he was not going to take“, Aseguró.

Bolsonaro calls “idiots” to columnists who claim to be referring to their Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazzuelo, on the occasion of this week’s bidding that the Governor intends to demand 331 million jeringas for his evacuation campaign.

The Ministry of Health has only acquired the 3% of the jeringas that demand demand that the manufacturers demand very high prices to the maximum that the Government has established.

Bolsonar attributes the cost of the competition to the increase in demand for ringtones throughout the world and the low production capacity of the companies that the producer and not the management of his ministry.


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