Jair Bolsonaro searches patricians for 63 million hectares of Brazilian Amazon | Climate and Medium Ambient

The Governor of Brazil claims that companies, investment funds and particular, as many Brazilians as the rest of the planet, donated money to preserve the Amazon. At the end of this month, he launched an initiative in search of patrons for the 120 natural reserves created in the last decades, that is to say, 15% of the surface of the mayor’s own tropical world in Brazilian territory. Its 63 million hectares. The program Accept a park —Number that underestimates the exuberance, extension, and ecological value of those territories that sum up the territory of France — was presented by the President, Jair Bolsonaro, in Brazil, this March. The ambientists consider it a highly propagandistic initiative.

Brazil has seen more political and commercial pressure from Gobierno’s politicians to join the Amazon, hoping to be joined by the United States with Joe Biden. The initiative is open to extraterrestrial patron saints who, for Bolsonar’s and good part of the Brazilians, the foreign interest in the Amazonian territory escorts to its sovereignty. So yes, the price differs. The local pueds can adopt an ecological reserve for 50 reals per hectare (8 euros, 9 dollars) and the extras will pay 10 euros.

The first, and only, company that currently has participated is the supermarket chain Francesa Carrefour. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, is precisely the mandate who has most recently been criticized in these years by Gobierno de Bolsonaro for his disinterest in preserving the Amazon, increasing deforestation to record levels and increasing incendiaries. The ultra-right, which campaigned against the NGOs and promised to prioritize the economic development of Amazon on its preservation, reiterated its coincidence: “As our critics say, . And a French company was the first to appear ”.

Carrefour is required to improve its reputation in Brazil when, in November, it passes by its guards, whites, mataran from a police officer to a black customer at the gates of one of its supermarkets. The multinational has its precedent, following the diary Stadium, formalizes the adoption of the Lake Cuniã reserve, of 75,000 hectares and located in the Rondonia state, on the frontier with Bolivia. This territory of the Caracas Province has a legal status that allows controlled extraction of the mother or the Subsistence Agriculture. Other five companies sponsored by the government, according to the Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, to the agency Bloomberg.

The management of reserves — designated by conservation units — follows in the footsteps of governmental mediocrity bodies such as the Ibama (Brazilian Institute of Mediocrity) or the Chico Mendes Institute (ICMBio, a center for biodiversity conservation). The NGOs and media activists support the fact that many more effective series will seriously erode the capacity of these institutions. Greenpeace urged Gobierno Bolsonaro to impose “a new media action to eradicate his” mine “image, destroying instruments that protect conservation units, disrupting the ICMBio, militarizing its structures and imposing most receipts.

At Carrefour there are other companies that might be interested, the forestry manager and activist Cristiane Mazzeti the insto in a tuit a to use the medium ambience to curb his reputation and “take it to complete his promises of deforestation”.

The internal tensions in the Gabinete de Bolsonaro quedaron expuestas también in the presentation of Accept a park. The Vice President’s chief interlocutor of diplomacy and investment funds concerned by the ambitious policy of the Gobierno is following the crisis of the 2019 fires, General Hamilton Mourão, who did not take part in the act. The title of Medio Ambiente dijo abiertamente en un Consejo de Ministros que iba a aprovech que la pandemia atrae toda la mediatatica para aprobar leyes que debiliten ambiental fiscalisation y den facilidades al agronegocio.

The Gabinete Bolsonaro first verbalized the idea of ​​searching for patrons for the preservation of the Amazon in public plenary referral with the stadium actor Leonardo di Caprio in 2019, when the incendiaries devour miles of acres in the Amazon.

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