J Balvin likes to say goodbye to his mother: this is about his state of health

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This December 31st, J Balvin appreciates the countless caricatures that he receives from his followers, and more announcement that his mother salión well of the intervention that the doctors make.

“Many thanks to all who have spoken to my mother. She’s the saloon of the part that’s more fun. Now we are hoping for his recovery, ”said the singer.

J Balvin habla de la salud de su madre tras cirugía

Asimismo, approve to express that there is a human being like any of his followers and there is no need for anything to be “famous”.

“And thank you for having a person like me somewhere else, who is the only one I need, nothing more. Soya igual que ustedes. Thanks ”, dijo el interprete de Colours.

Cabe records that, on December 30, the Colombian singer sang to his followers about his mother’s salute, when he performed a cave operation.

Here you can read the song of urban music through its stories of Instagram, donde posted a photo with his mother, Alba Mery Balvin, and commented on a sent message. “Oration by my mother, a surgery in the closet”.

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See you later, Caracol News has confirmed that Alba Balvin is doing well in the process.

This is not an easy one for the reggae artist. In the middle of the pandemic, there was contact with covid-19, and there was a new episode of depression, as expressed to all its fans through its social speeches.

In an interview with Semana, Balvin made sure that these mental health conditions were met. Sondeverbod, dijo que se encuentra mejor pero “Everything is not 100 per cent, although it is not clear”. Además, afirma que detrás del artist et se presente ante miles the personas en los scenarios más prestigiosos del mundo, hay una persona “Sufre, llora, ríe, tiene aspiraciones, tiene sueños, disilusiones. I am a human being as anyone else with many mistakes ”.

The medellinant song has about its state of mental health without help at the end to help other people with their pathologies. Asi mismo, su madre, Alba Mery Balvin a conversation took place with the program Caracol’s Red Channel on the revelation that at the moment his brother is having a very difficult time.

“It’s the most difficult moment that Josecito has ever lived,” said Madre del Reguetonero. Pese a estas declarations, la Sra. Alba reconciles that even though he does not meet well again, logró sacar adelante the number of his songs singing in the Grammy Awards. “In the miracle is the way the glasses are not equal, but the miras the English appear,” said the artist’s progenitor.

Although the depression and the onslaught that Balvin was facing in his past years, as the same as the one he reconciled, his mother assured La Red that some form of depression had been good things, according to Alba’s senator, “I also have a lot of light and a lot to appreciate” as his wife can access psychological services and treat her conditions, said Balvin.

In a nostalgic tone, the revelation in the Colombian program that guards the hope and the fairy “Bigger than the ocean” as if he were following the treatment prescribed by his psychiatrist, “If you take your medication” and did not receive the recommendations given by the mental health staff, she cried that everything “will flow” and he would be able to surpass those nurses who also affect a significant percentage of the world-level population.

In his dialogue with Semana, Balvin revealed that in order to support the treatment followed by its salutary costumes. “You are in the process of juicing with the medicine, with the medicine, with the good habits that are always present. The world, however, has never had a style of living that allows me to do that, I mean, on the contrary, it allows me to increase more quickly ”, the explanation to the review, but added that, on occasions, the time at which the llama is done “Oscuridad”.

Have a week, the padres of the song of detailed diron detail, in an interview with Caracol Radio, about the episodes that he lived his life. “At this moment it is passing through a crisis and well lasting for the family”, dijo Alba Mary Balvin, who aggregated in his radial path that “Depression and anxiety are, in fact, deceived, as the virus that we are living in at the moment.”

También will also be present at the interview with Vanessa de la Torre who will be present to accompany you during these difficult moments that he will not be able to attend.

In our case we see that Josecito is a mago for sacrificing light of the obscurant, when we clearly understand that the support of a professional is the only one that can sacrific.

Asimismo, hablaron de la relación que tienen con su hijo y la confianza que hay in la familia. “Josecito our communiqué when it is mal and acudimos to psychiatra porque definitely for us not is no vergüenza”, express the padres of the ancient song.

For its part, communication is important in the Osorio Balvin family, pues “We also have a family chat where we communicate constantly and we live via video chat. We have the option to use the social media to stay in touch, the only thing that is missing is the abrasion and now it is most difficult due to the pandemic ”, confessed at the moment, José Osorio, father of J Balvin.

Assimilation, the moment to talk about depression and the importance that should be given to all who are vulnerable.

“It’s the time to invite the fathers, all the way into the world that we’re listening to the girls, todos, esta enfermedad no tiene edad no tiene sexo. If one of the pigs is the most powerful or the richest, there is a condition that the one who has “,” concluyó la madre.

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