Ivermectina Free Medicines Authorized Sales Directorate | El Salvador News

The Directorate of Medicines has no details about when the free sale of medicines and the price of sale in pharmacies will be acknowledged.

The drug Ivermectina, which has become popular because of its medicinal properties as part of the treatment against COVID-19, is sold in pharmacies without the need to prescribe medicine.

The sale of the pharmacy has restricted sales, in accordance with various well-publicized consultations, the National Board of Medicines (DNM) acknowledged the request.

Ivermectina is a medicated and certified medicine for parasitic infections, formulated for animals as well as for humans. And is used for external parasite treatments such as pews and diseases of the skin.

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Secondary effects of Ivermectina

A publication by Revistamedica.com, which has a balance of 62 scientific articles related to the topic, reflects that the drug can generate adverse effects in patients, “such as poor vision, loss of appetite, abdominal diarrhea, mimicry, remission , edema ”, entre otros.

People who should not use Ivermectina

People with hepatic pain, or embarrassed. Geen administrar si est dando de lactancia materna nie. No need to use in minor mines with a maximum weight of 33 books.

Tanto el Colegio Médico as the Association of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industries of El Salvador, val saam en que hay vente libre de Ivermectina.

Prohibition of sanctions, Miltón Brizuela, president of the Medical College, declares the DNM has not notified any college about the new provision.

The Diario de Hoy consulted the National Board of Medicines regarding the free sale of the drug, the reasons and parameters for cataloging as a free sale pharmacy, in addition to holding the estimated price for the sale; without embarrassment, the wording of the Communication of the Board of Directors states that the institution does not hold a position on the subject.

The pharmacy is for sale and promoted as a free sale by various pharmacies. The cost varies from $ 48.26 to $ 31.96, while some offer service at home.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, by its seal in English) has announced that the pharmacy generates reactions that can disrupt wounds, hepatic lesions, and on the side of the extremities.

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Since last March, with the emergence of the new virus emergence, world-level laboratories will start exploring which medicines will be available to COVID-19, and in April representatives of the Institute of Biomedicine of Australia at the University of Monach informs that, while a in vitro cell culture study (in laboratory), habían tested that the use of the Ivermectina habitu reduced the advance of the viral ARN of the Sars-Cov-2 of significant form, resulting in 90%.

Given the state of emergency and in the midst of the impact that COVID-19 has on a global level, many countries have decided to adopt Ivermectina as part of the new coronavirus maneuver, as well as preventive treatment. Prohibition of probes, the studies revealed that debía prescribes in large proportions.

For Carlos Ortega, a specialist in virology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador, Ivermectina has not taken any steps during his studies to become an antiviral against COVID-19 and has no international certifications for it; without embarrassment, in the light of the emergence and dates that he put the studies in the laboratory, he does not like his use.

The epidemiologist Roberto Vidrí in August 2020 explained to El Diario de Hoy that there are no drugs to prevent the cure of COVID-19 and that we have the medicines, currently, to treat the rheumatology that produces the virus as, fever, pain of cabeza, pain of garganta, tos seca, difficulty in breathing, between otros.

“Ivermectina does not need to use a generalized manner for COVID-19. The decisions are based on the burden of proof. At the moment, the evidence indicates that it does not work against COVID-19, although it may change in the future. For this reason, there is no need to form part of the current protocol “, argued Roberto Vidrí.

The Governor of El Salvador, like Brazil, Honduras and the United States, uses Ivermectina to treat COVID-19 people.

Vidrí explains that it is not necessarily the pharmacy that helps the recovery of people with the virus, but that “the majority of people recovering from COVID-19 without any intervention. The association is equivocada: cur ion curar lo iban ha hacer de todas maneras, no por el medicamento ”, dijo Vidrí.

Rosales Hospital’s Infectious Diseases Officer, Rolando Cedillos, also explained in August that the scientific evidence, at the moment, shows that the infected people do not need to report the symptoms and that they are responsible for the medical treatment.

“In medicines that are given to the patient (confirmed) to asymptomatic persons, when no medicine has been shown to prevent and cure COVID-19, it is irresponsible”, said Cedillos about the medicine kit given by Gobierno, which includes the pharmacy .

The specialist’s declarations are based on the behavior of the nurses, according to the Center for Control and Prevention (by its flags in English, CDC), where it is stated that the Mayor of the people (around 80%) is recovering of illness without the need for hospital treatment. There are 1 in 5 people who oppose the COVID-19 acaba presenting a serious set and experimenting with breathing difficulties.
