Ivermectina: A debate over its use for Covid

In the Dominican Republic there has been a discussion about the use of ivermectin as part of the treatment for people who have contracted the coronavirus.

Regarding this medicine, the Minister of Public Health, Plutarco Arias, states that the pharmacy is not recommended for massive use, even though in some cases a positive evolution of the patient has occurred, citing that its efficacy with respect to coronavirus is a research object for scientists.

In addition to the positive results obtained in the Dominican Republic with ivermectin, in patients contagious with the virus, the efficacy of these and other drugs such as treatment with the Covid-19 continues in scientific evaluation at the national and international level, .

This statement also states that the former head of the Ministry of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, indicated that he had not issued a resolution on this drug until May 2020, to establish a major investigation.

Pero, What do sanitary organizations say about ivermectin treatment for patients treated by COVID-19?

The Administration of Medicines and Foodstuffs (FDA, by its rules in English) does not recommend its use for the prevention of coronavirus treatment, with the admonition of people not to take any type of pharmacy that is not prescribed by a professional of the salud.

Hecho, following the latest update from the FDA’s portal, in the United States the use of ivermectin is not permitted in COVID emergencies.

Debe avoids the use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 and has not established its benefits and security for these fines. Clinical study data are necessary to determine if ivermectin is safe and effective to treat COVID-19 ”, the FDA indicates.

Similarly, the World Health Organization (OMS) recommends the use of ivermectin for this end, resulting in the possible secondary effects.

Asymmetry, the ivermectin tampoco is included in the list of medicines for the treatment of coronavirus Centers for Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC, by its English flags) of the United States.

Secondary effects

The FDA reports that some of the secondary effects that can be associated with ivermectin include nausea, vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and diarrhea of ​​the extremities.

It is also associated with neurological adverse events, such as nightmares, convulsions or temporary confusion; bay repentina of arterial pressure; sarpullido graf that may require hospitalization and hepatic injury.

However, some categories of laboratory samples such as the reduction in white globules and elevated hepatic samples can be displayed.

What is being approved for?

Ivermectina is a farm used by many people such as animals, for the treatment of parasites.

In its presentation in tablets for human use is indicated for the treatment of parasites such as (intestinal estrongiloidiasis and oncocercosis), and for creams and conditions of the skin such as rosacea.

It means that in animals it is used to treat the parasite in some species of small animals, and for the treatment of internal and external parasites in various species.

What do the studies say?

There are some investigations that have yielded positive results on the subject, such as the mediation carried out in the previous year by the specialist magazine Antiviral Research, in which we will read some interesting conclusions.

His investigation indicates that ivermectin is an inhibitor of the virus causing COVID-19, adding that a single treatment can log an approximate reduction of approximately 5000 times in the virus to the 48 hours in cell culture.

However, the FDA says that these types of laboratory studies are usually used at a time of drug development, and that additional testing is needed to determine whether ivermectin can be used to prevent coronavirus or CO.
