Ivan Sánchez, do you have a new illusion in love?

Siendo Iván Sánchez a gallant tan guapo and talented, many have the result difficult to create that is soltero, because in more than one occasion he circulated rumors about one other possible love. In August of this year, his followers followed notorious coincidences between the actor’s publications and those of a periodical, without embarrassment, a lie of speculation, he ended up declaring that he could have no more than one sincere love. And now, months after that HELLO! animal to know exclusively the images of his romantic getaway with Camila Sodi at the Spanish cost, he surpassed versions so that the interpreted powder is in a new romance, the new nuances are side fed by some curious curiosities in social speeches, will it?



Iván Sánchez was sentimentally related from time to time with the guapa actress Irene Esserhas always been known to Cuna de Grillos. De acuerdo a dicho medio, el galán español y la venezolana, quien mantuvo un noviazgo con Andrés Manuel López Beltrán -hijo del Presidente- llevarían ya varios meses de noviazgo, and including habrían viajado juntos en más de unaccasion, tanto a destinos mexicanos como también a la tierra natal del galán español. However, although this publication is by Hecho, none of the Hecho have made respectful statements, nor have they confirmed the versions of an amorous relationship, for which all follow only in doubt.

Irene Esser and Iván SánchezVER GALLERY

And while actors are refusing to publish these versions publicly, some curiosities have been added to the scope of investigation in social media, only in these times, many times the interactions can have more than a few words. One of the coincidences that most lamented the attention in the Instagram comments of Ivan and Irene, more of the hecho from which it is mutually mutated and suelen darse as in his publications, are that both, have opened a few days, shared photos from Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, in the state of Guerrero, it may well be a signal that it will meet along with the playing fields of Mexico.

Irene Esser and Iván SánchezVER GALLERY

And it is not only that you are in that El Gallego and the venezolana val saam in time and in place, pues in the finals of november guapa venezolana shared photos of the paradisiacas plays of tulum, in quintana roo, and one day later, in december, iván se dejó ver muy feliz en ese same destination. “The most beautiful gift”, she wrote it in one of her publications, in which she was walking about the mojada arena and orillas del mar. The actor reacting a lot of emojis, between them one by one with eyes of courage. Semanas después, justo para los festejos de Navidad, ambos estuvieron en la capital española, según revelan sus posts in Instagram, de hecho, I share photos of the famous Palace of the Crystal in Madrid, although he posed next to his hijas.

Irene Esser and Iván SánchezVER GALLERY

Los dos solteros, ¿hasta ahora?

In June of last year, during an interview with the Mexican model Karin Ontiveros, Irene became sincere about her personal life and confirmed that her sentimental relationship with López Beltrán had ended. “Are you crazy?”, the question Ontiveros of direct form, to which Esser contest of manner letter per contundente: “Si”. The rupture of the parish and its transgressed months, in April, when Cuna de Grillos had announced that Venezuela and the Mexican mandate would be separated.

Iván Sánchez has the side of mantener su vida personal lejos de los reflectores, so there was a big surprise when in September of the year his romance with Camila Sodi ended. It never publicly refuses to have this relationship, and therefore, when asked with respect, it is clear its intention to make statements on the subject. In the past, before the questions about live amorous, the actor had preferred to evade the theme, a veces con buen humor. Last August, a few minutes ago I was told of his escape with Camila, during a Live on Instagram with his compatriot, Mar Saura, the actor’s followers follow the footsteps of the victim that the questioner has about the state of his or her case, claiming to be sympathetic. “Here it is, here it is, as if from the star a poke to the sky”. It has more seriousness, the actor recognizes that it is passing by a good moment and, although it is good, no specifics are found soltero: “It’s happy, it’s content, it’s quiet, it’s phenomenal!”, commented on the state of his courage.

