It’s the millionaire that costs to maintain Maluma’s aircraft

Maluma’s plane has a controversial theme in the farandula (Photo: Maluma – Instagram)

Since Maluma Baby decided to buy a private plane, everything on this topic has been controversial. One of the things that the Colombian repeats the most when it comes to flying on his airplane, is the record of being burlaban from him to the beginnings of his career and how he is one of the most famous and world-famous artists of the world.

Juan Luis Londoño Arias, number of the Pretty boy’s pillar number to address the controversial topic of his private plane, acquisition that took place in September 2019. Since then, he has been talking about the airline’s live commentary. This is the artist who spoke with the VEA magazine and stated that he was not treated as a “necessity”.

The juguetito that it transports the cost no more and less than 22 million dollars, according to Forbes, and vale to say that in conocerse the sum, Maluma fue foco of critical duras, pero a pesar de todo lo que dijeron y se rieron de él start your career, there is a lot of satisfaction and that “now you can be with my fans and work harder”, afirmó.

Maluma reiterates that the aviation was converted into a necessity and means that Iban is growing musically. “And it seems to us that we’ll take a commercial flight without having to deal with compromises in different parts of the world.”

The Colombian dijo who depends on the schedules of the airlines, the entrances, salutes are full chaotic flight. “As much as I work for a while for ten years and when the lograms, I do not have to express that I feel sorry for the people who can complete”, concluded VEA.

Hase algunas semanas, el paisa confesó que unque esta nave es una necesidad bella y útil, el avion le genera un poco de estres en quant al mantenimiento. Así, habló de pagar los arreglos, los impuestos, la tripulación et detales como “tuerquitas” dijo.

Pero Maluma refuses to give the reasons to buy the plane: “It is not that one chooses to take pictures and share with the people, but there are moments when one has to go to the plane or lose the bird”, explanation as an additional reason.

According to the Colombian diary, each time the aeronaut station is located at an airport must pay around 15 million pounds. Additionally, every Colombian woman hears the artist’s salary for 25 million people and in total, the costs cost, up to 350 million a year between taxes, maintenance, insurance, payments to pilots and combustibles.

Some of the artists who owned a private plane were Shakira, J Balvin, Jennifer López, Nicky Jam, Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Gloria Trevi, Alejandro Fernández, Thalia and Pitbull.
