Italy returns a cargo of 250,000 AstraZeneca vehicles destined for Australia

Italy deals with the first EU countries to ban the export of cars (EFE / EPA / Edwina Pickles / Archivo9
Italy deals with the first EU countries to ban the export of cars (EFE / EPA / Edwina Pickles / Archivo9

Italy impedes this juvenile with the release of a cargo of 250,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, destined for Australia, In order to avoid that doses produced in the European Union are exported to a third country while the manufacturer is compiling the volumes of the summit agreed with the countries of the EU.

The quota was withheld by the Italian authorities when it was exported, according to European sources, has not given more details about the moment of encroachment.

Italy is converted to Asia the first country of the European Union (EU) to take a decision of this type, since Brussels finally approved the mechanism for controlling the exports of pharmaceuticals produced in Community territory.

The same skill to the Member States actuate the suspicion of parties that correspond to the societies of the institute block as deviating from other buyers on the outside.

A woman receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Rome, Italy (REUTERS / Guglielmo Mangiapane)
A woman receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Rome, Italy (REUTERS / Guglielmo Mangiapane)

Italy forwarded its decision to the European Commission (EC) last week and to the Executive Committee, which has the ultimate word for respect, does not oppose the decree prohibited by Rome.

Precisely, the first Italian minister, Mario Draghi, who spoke with the President of the Executive Committee, Ursula Von der Leyen, on how to accelerate the European Sanitary Response against the coronavirus, in relation to the evacuation campaign.

The new system surged exactly like Urgent reaction to AstraZeneca’s announcement that it will not be able to return between the 27 dosing days that have been promised during the first quarter, but the system covers all those water vacancies with laboratories with which the UE has agreed prior purchase agreements.

Además, the UE suspects that the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca sells to the United Kingdom vacancies that correspond to the countries of the EU. One insinuations that the Anglo-Swedish laboratory was rejected.

Italy takes legal action against Astrazeneca for reducing vacancies (EFE / EPA / DAN HIMBRECHTS / Archive)
Italy takes legal action against Astrazeneca for reducing vacancies (EFE / EPA / DAN HIMBRECHTS / Archive)

In this brand, Laboratories are obliged to inform in detail the authorities of the authorities regarding their intention to export vehicles to a third party, with dates on the volume of the contingent, production place and destination place.

The doses can be blocked and it is considered that the quantity of what is exported has been raised which puts the vacancy summit at the EU at risk.

The export control mechanism provoked a Political crisis between Brussels, Dublin and London, with the initial permission of the European Commission to block the export of vacancies between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Mario Draghi and Roma, Italy (Andrew Medichini / Pool via REUTERS / Archivo)
Mario Draghi and Roma, Italy (Andrew Medichini / Pool via REUTERS / Archivo)

Brussels, in the middle of a debate on telephone conversations between Von der Leyen and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, and the Irish, Michael Martin, on a decision taken against the spirit of preserving them Agreements of Viernes Santo that the Brexit negotiations he would like to preserve.

In Italy, 1.52 million people were evacuated, in its majority sanitary staff in advanced duty persons. With a population of 60 million, the country has 4.8 million doses in total.

Contact EuropaPress and EFE


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