It was the life of Joan Sebastian when he sold cars and his knife in Chicago.

Xitos Decade Creator, Joan Sebastian is consolidated in history as one of the exponents of the regional msica mexicana, since he launched his first disco in 1975, one xito inesperado debido a su peculiar sentido del humor, energa y destacadas letras.

Debido a su amor y desamor externado en la msica, Joan Sebastian conquer of manner repentina millions of crows travs of his moving melodies and poetic compositions, same as ms tarde le haran merecer el apodo of “El Poeta del Pueblo”.

Prohibition of sins, the Mexican Joan Sebastiaan on the 13th of July 2015, at the age of 64 in his rancho that he had cancer in the houses, but before his party, we record the legacy of the famous “Tattoos”, which is presented in each of them cancellations.

Pesar de su enorme fama y grandes xito y tan conocidas canciones, no todo se saba sober el cantante, entre estos mysteries find some that refieren to his passing, pues Joan Sebastian is always dedicated to singing.

The Passage of Joan Sebastian

The life of the singer is always alive with the girl, then she famous chanting initials from below, consolidating a few each of their xitos mediating the constancy of their work in the body musical.

I’m exactly that panorama what would the pen record that Joan Sebastian naci in Juliantla, Guerrero; sin embargo, a muy temprana edad se mud a United States with the intention of searching for a better life, without hesitation imagining being converted into a famous song.

His life as a Mexican working in the United States

Cabe record that the young Joan Sebastian fue ‘n buskar best conditions of life in United States, for what lasts its first in territory norteamericano, el an no famoso artist artist viva en Chicago and was a car salesman and commercial hacker for radio.

It was precisely when he was living in Chicago that he grabbed his first disco, that he would enjoy the life as a seller motors; without embarrassment, the song of Juliantla hizo of everything to gain the life.

Adems, always has his talent detached with the voice, by the way effortlessly consegua trabajar comant cantante cobraba cincuenta dlares por ache.

Adems, fue la misma poca en que quiso ser knife and work as lava plates, without embarrassment, during a week and then was contracted in a restaurant Ireland donde tena que bereberei salad.

It’s exactly one of the motives that llevaran has to be an artist humble and always pleased with the fact that the habran burned his millions of fans; adems de los premios que en decenas de ocasiones le fueron entregados.

