“It was not enough for him to play against these demons.” Mujer in depression intends to justify the assessment of three men and women | El Salvador News

Oreanna Antoinette Myers dejó cuatro escritos tras el crimen, los textos contenían letra hecha a mano y con sangre

Oreanna Antoinette Myers, a woman who takes depression, explains and justifies the assessment of her three husbands and daughters by means of cards that are shared by the authorities. The woman disappeared at every turn, set fire to the house and committed suicide.

The crime was committed on December 8, 2020 in West Virginia, EEUU. Oreanna Myers, 25 years old, was dying to have sex with her nieces.

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The corpses of Haiken Jirachi Myers, one year old, Arikyle Nova Myers, three years old, Kian Myers, four, Riley James Bumgarner, six, and Shaun Dawson Bumgarner, six years old, were found dead inside the house. Mientras, el de la mujer fue hallado fuera de la propiedad.

Oreanna Antoinette Myers set fire to his house to assess his whereabouts. Courtesy photos

The cards, each with a different title, guard the mother of 25 years in a ball with a hermetic cord. Three of these vehicles were found with the belt in the passenger car window of Brian Bumgarner, Myers’ wife.

NOTE 1: When to find the first

Usted necesita llamar a Brian Bumgarner. He is a father and a wife. You need to call Raven, she’s the mother of Shaun and Riley.

If anything for the sake of llama to my mother, it should be noted that this is only my fault and many more.

Mis demons ganaron sobre mí y no hay vuelta atrás. It is as if it was not enough to kill him. Thank you. XOXO. OAM

NOTE 2: My confession

He disappeared to the nines in the cave. It takes place in the house. My hy disparado en la cabeza. You are.

Mental health is serious. I hope some day will help others like you.

The mental health is algo with what can not be bromear ni tomar a la ligera. When a simple alguien and pida help a gritos, favor ayuden a esa persona.

Usted puede salvar una o más vidas. Thank you. OAM.

NOTE 3: Will

This note was not disclosed by the authorities during a press conference, as it is considered very “personal”.

It is therefore embarrassing that the police say that in the paper they shouted at the singer of the woman just in front of her initials “OAM”.

Map of the room

Also with the sangria rastro of his dactile huellas in the papel, about the piece of the vehicle of his marido the woman die the quarter card.

XOXO. That’s a lot, Brian. It was not enough for him or her to have this family.

This is because of this crime. It was not enough to fight against these demons.

Chasquido. Crujido. Explosion. Tan depressed. The corrupt entumecido. I completely hecha pedazos.

Siento que te he fallado. If it falls into our beautiful hearts. Siento que no fui lo sufficiente fuerte. OAM.

She finds herself crossing the day of the crime.

Sin causa conocida

“Obviously we can determine what Oreanna Myers decided to do with her life and her children. However, despite all the evidence obtained during the investigation and all the information obtained, we can conclude that the authorities will take place on December 8, 2020 at 611 Flynns Creek, ”said the police.

Consult deInfobae.com and The Sun.
