“It was a descriptive attack, closing tithes for extra pay by COVID”

Trade union leaders are considering an attack that cut the announcement of the closure of Long Beach stores by April, issuing a new bill requiring immediate payment of additional remuneration to COVID-19 emergency staff. It is not uncommon for passengers in the vicinity of 200 working workers to be shipped or re-shipped in other supermarkets. Pero vocers of the tithes, signal that his employees are lost.

Kroger Co, the two-year-old company of Ralphs and Food 4 supermarkets, announced the closure, ordering the facility that represents them, the new Municipal Extra Commercial Remuneration for COVID. The first months of the pandemic in 2020, these supermarkets pay $ 2 per additional hour to their regular salary to essential workers, but this cancellation is supported.

“After all, he passed the essential workers, his victims and the service he provided in Long Beach during the pandemic, Kroger responds with this escalating message,” said Andrea Zinder, president of the 324 Local Workers’ Union. Trade and Food (UFCW).

It is a clear intention to intimidate and decimate the workers who protest and use their voices to create better wages and working conditions. Our workers have been working on a huge number of estates, exposing them to COVID every day from work with a little support from their employeesr ”.

Remedy states that the UFCW Local 324 has tried its hand at organizing them as extra remuneration for laboratory work and will continue in the field for which it is correct for Long Beach workers and community, without importing employment tactics for large corporations.

Supermarket workers are much more expensive at COVID. (The Diary)

My step, el Long Beach City Council approves an ordinance or municipal ordinance ordering food suppliers to comment on pay immediate to its essential workers, 4 extra dollars per hour as additional remuneration for the risk that will prevent the pandemic.

Workers at supermarkets and considered essentials from the start of COVID-19, the Long Beach deal was manifested and increased by the increase in wages, due to the fact that trade unions are exposed in their lives and in the families to ensure that the tenants are sufficiently committed in their assessments.

Between March 13 and November 19, 2020, the Kroger company received $ 2,000 million in profits, following an analysis of Brookings Institution .

“2 weeks ago, with the support of the community and the religious leaders, the Long Beach Council voted in a unanimous manner to reinstate the payment for additional remuneration for laboratory risks, and to recognize the victimized compromise of our senior workers reverenda Jane Gould de la iglesia episcopal St.Luke de Long Beach.

“It’s my parishioners and our neighbors who work in the food tithes have made it even more dangerous than many during the pandemic, while the supermarket industry has benefited from record-breaking profits that most people start in their homes.”

He claims that “it is inadmissible that we will compensate the employees’ contributions, Ralph and Food 4 Less respond to questions and retaliation against our Long Beach heroics, which we serve every day”

The union does not expose the workers to work in the press, as it has time to overcome labor reprisals.

The Opinion finds itself in the hope of a response from the Kroeger company to announce its plans to the workers.

The Angels’ councilors are voting for an extra salary for the risk that COVID implies for supermarket and pharmacy workers. (EFE)

LA quiere pago extra temporary

In Los Angeles, the City Council voted unanimously to issue a tax ordinance that drafted an emergency ordinance that would proportionally increase COVID’s risk pay to supermarket workers and pharmacies by $ 5 per hour. The vote was taken by Kroger, one of the largest supermarkets in the country, announcing the closure of the Long Beach tenants after the Council approved a similar ordinance.

Since the pandemic commenced, the supermarket workers were on the first line of display each day before we could be safe at the checkout. They and their families have suffered with major cases of COVID infection, illness, and death ”, said Councilor Mitch O’Farrell.

“I co-sponsored an initiative that required the largest supermarkets and drugstores to pay an additional $ 5 additional remuneration for the COVID laboratory in the following 4 months,” he said.

Add to that the fact that the large caddies receive their debts without precedent, the essential workers should be compensated correctly.

A mayor’s salary for supermarket workers, reflected in consumer prices, advierten abarroteros

Abarroteros oponen

Ron Fong, president of the California Association of Supermarkets (CGA), has responded to all of the Concejo de Los Ángeles’ jail for advancing in the process of ordering an additional $ 5 hourly pay, which any remuneration mandate additional tendencies in the abarroteros sino in the workers and customers. “An order to pay $ 5 extra per hour makes a 28% increase in labor costs. It’s huge. Supermarket owners will not be able to absorb these costs and the negative repercussions will be inevitable ”.

Recalcó que one of the consequences will be higher prices for food. A recent study found that the 5% increase would increase to $ 400 this year at the expense of food for a family of 4. It would be run by a mayor insuring food and given disproportionately to the families of many others. desventaja que ya están batallando con sus finansas ”.

Alternatively, signal that the tithes can be closed. “We live in Long Beach until we announce our wedding this week. The actions result in counterproductions in about 200 workers who lose their jobs ”.

Concludes that working tithes are the first line of heroism, and therefore both tithes have a massive effort to establish safety measures for them and their clients. “This ordinance does not have the most secure workers”.
