It prohibits us to use tapas and covid muri: so initiate the pandemic in EEUU

Florida, United States.

Hoy en día, when United States is to surpass the siniestro hito in the middle of a million kills by covid-19, it seems unthinkable that a company should try to trabajadores usar mascarillas.

Without embarrassment, this curry is less than one year old in one of the mayor cadenas de Florida Supermarkets, when the coronavirus is propagated by the world and terror comenzaba a install.

In this era Gerardo Gutiérrez, of 70 years ago, work in one suksurale of supermarket Publix in Miami Beach.

Gerardo Gutiérrez murmured over coronavirus infection in his work area where the prohibitionist uses mascara.

Murió fined April April contact coronavirus in March, ese horrendo mes en que se declaró la pandemic, in which Italy‘entraba en un national confinement what cause stupor in Occidente y in which the fallecidos af United Statess todavía se contaban por centenas.

“We are all stuck in panico “, recuerda su hija Ariane, la demandante en una causa civil contra Publix por homicidio culposo.

Alli alega that a company that works very close to Gutiérrez tosía y tenía otros virus syndromes, pero Publix prohibition seduces a sister employees use mascarillas, porque “no querían assist customers “.

“The result was that mi padre faleció “, said he told AFP in his case in Miami Beach. “Había ido a trabajar todos los días sin ningún type of mascarilla ni guantes, y no le permitían usarlos “.

March 23, Miami Beach was the first City of Floridaan organizer confinement and closing his games.

Gerardo Gutiérrez, along with his family, is seeking justice for the death of his son.

Pero Publix hope to have the first week of april for allow your employees to use voluntarily mascarillas, de acuerdo a la demanda.

Gutiérrez’s political change came as a result of stay very sick. Fue hospitalized on April 10 and 28, his friends and family are staying at Zoom. Murió ese día.

“Le encantaba nadar. I was very active, very vital. Podia haber live many more years “, dollysteen Ariane, showing pictures of the father, who was cubano.

A week ago, a petition was received from the cadena de supermarkets to treat the denunciation as a Laboratory compensation advertisement y geen como una demand. The company did not respond to AFP’s request for comment.

“Follow us”

The principles of March, Miami Beach todavía estaba en medio de su more time tourism. It’s the era in which students todo el país se toman vacaciones de primavera y celebran su juventud en las Florida Beaches como si no hubiera un mañana.

Much has been said about the unfortunate atmosphere of fiesta de esta isla front to Miami, when good part of the country is adopted by first time social distance standards – a term that has been agreed upon.

“La gente demoró to pay attention “, recuerda Ariane Gutiérrez. “And toadavía no hemos superado esto”.

These are the bargaining ceremonies, the old ones are vacating and the mascarillas say volvy pink. For that, the sanitary authorities in principle I do not recommend it to the general public, in order to guarantee that it personal medicine tuviera sufficient existences.

“This message is initiated by the pandemic fue un gran strategic error de public health“, dice at AFP Purnima Madhivanan, epidemiologist at the University of Arizona.

Además, of a form disconcertante for health workers and scientists, the tapabocas are converted into a political declaration because Donald Trump, who was president, was not present during the month. On occasions including tomo el pelo quienes lo hacían.

“These mixed messages confuse the people”, dice lan epidemiologist. “And we’re paying for it. Las mascarillas are fundamental “.

Living with covid

One of the lessons that arrojan are these episodes, according to the expert, is that, “for much we want to say that the science prevalece“Science is as good as the messages that the Communist”.

A studio study of the University of Southern California hello that a large majority (between 80 and 90%) of the stadiums create that use mascarillas is an effective form of protegerse against the covid-19but only the use of them consistently is used.

This is a show that “he knowledge not necessarily stored in behavior “, lamenta Madhivanan.

Initially the climate is created cálido mataba el virus, how to disinfect them bolsas de la compra, that race is a factor – result is that desigualdad era the factor– and many, like Gutiérrez, padecieron the day of disinformation.

Some things he changed (What is the purpose of disinfecting tomato leaves?), But others, like the use of tapas, must be tan “normalized” off Occidente as his son in the Asian countries, advised the epidemiologists.

“We have to keep living with the covid “, dice. “We do not have a moment when we can decide that the cobra will disappear. Only we will learn to manage, like the flu”.
