it impacts the force of force in the loss of a peso (and a routine that is difficult to empress)

It is very common for many people to lose weight and gain weight in those activities that consume more calories per unit of time. We refer to cardiovascular activity as a corrector, and ride a bicycle or use devices such as the elliptical.

In this article we will explain come the training of force is key in the process of losing weight and will have to give priority to aerobic exercises like the mentions. Además te damos una routina sencilla par empezar.

How to help train strength in weight loss


It is worth noting that we are studying studies that investigate the impact of cardiovascular aerobic exercise on the weight and weight loss, which are how effective they are. The problem is that many of these studies no tienen en cuenta la preservation de la masa geschierd en el process o la obvian.

It’s important to have it because it’s hard to lose weight muscle when it’s pierced, including even if it’s not what it’s important. Perder masa spierimplica peor salud a largo plazo a level aesthetic peor composition and corporate image. A body without corporeal tissue and without muscle mass becomes flaccid.

Dicho esto, la mejor manner que tenemos para ne perder masaespierd en el process de perdi de peso es realizar entrenamiento de fuerza, pesas o musculacion. Everything is the same. By supuesto, the nutritional level in debemos irnos to extremes as seguir diet di milagro.

Compensating for the excesses is not the best option for losing weight: our style of living is most important

However, in no case should we ask that we do not practice cardiovascular exercise to lose weight and gain weight. It is advisable to give each one something in his place and the training of force in this case is a priority.

The ideal is to combine the best of both worlds. The training of our strengths helps to increase our muscular, tendinous and ligamentous health, to increase our sensitivity to insulin and to maintain our muscle mass while losing weight. Cardiovascular training we can help increase the caloric intake and our style of life is sedentary sedentary without training force. Además is ideal for removing the acidic grasses of our thick and oxidizing acid.

Complete bodybuilding routine for principals






pers plano con mancuernas




at least 90 “

remo en polea baja




at least 90 “

sentadilla cup




at least 90 “

Romanian dead weight




at least 90 “

Our driving force for principals is founded on four fundamental pillars: a horizontal trajectory owner, a horizontal traction owner, a rodilla dominant owner and a dominant frame owner.

From here we can include more accessory accessories such as lateral lifts, femoral curls, biceps curls or extensions for triceps per we consider that as a basic structure is util to empezar.

It is important to understand what the RIR means to become a regular. RIR is the English seal of rehearsals on reserve. Indicate the number of repetitions in the reserve that we will have at the end of the last repetition of a series, or in other words, the number of repetitions that we have already read about the fall. In this case we will end the series meaning that we will have done only the most repetitions.

Exercise calories in the gym: make it easy and integrate it into your routine

En Vitónica | Las claves par comarzar a ganar masaespierd: cuándo y cómo es mejor hacerlo

En Vitónica | CrossFit the strength training in the gym: Do you think it is more difficult to gain more weight?

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