It happened in Monica Spear’s case 7 years ago.

January 6, 2014, the ex Mej. Venezuela, Mónica Spear, I travel with my family to the Puerto Cabello-Valencia utopian, some kilometers west of Caracas.

So esposo conducía the car in which he was traveling and on the other side of the river he, who was ten years old, when he was on the truck a stream that could not be squeezed, ended up punching one of the Corolla’s lakes in the road.

The matrimony was stored on the truck in a zone what was famosa por su peligrosidad, by which he called the emergency telephone, but did not find the exit.

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Mónica Spear lives in a cave in the middle of nowhere. Lograron subir the car to the platform of the grua pero de repente aparecieron 5 hombres armados.

The men of the groua salieron huyendo del lugar, meanwhile the family can only be refuged to the interior of the car, but it looks like a asalto, is converted to a double assigned, pues los delincuentes dispararon y mataron a la parja, mientras que la pequeña resultant con una herida de bala en la pierna, siendo la unique sobriety.

At the moment, the assessor of the actress conmocion to enter the country and Maduro, President of Venezuela, assurur que los delincuentes “Acting with a violence that is a bad thing, a bad thing”, for what it is said events in Caracas, in contrast to the violence, to which public figures are united.

monica spear and its esposo

Mónica Spear has been living on 5 occasions and knows that her country is insecure, but she can always regress, so she can make a decision reconciling with her partner, Thomas Henry Berry, Irish origin and who divorced in 2012.

Only 3 days after the accident, 7 people detained for the sake of it. Fue en Mayo de 2015 que un tribunal venezolano determinó 25 years of imprisonment a Gerardo Contreras of 19 years, who has accepted has been who Assessing Spear.

“I did not have the math because I quiz, I felt that I had separated and casually left the ball of the agaro to her… I did not understand, if only she had seen her here”, Dijo el joven, que in July 2020 bankruptcy for tuberculosis, tras is translated into various prices by its maladaptive.

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De Maya, hija de Mónica se sabe que fue educated by his parents and has the day of high ten miles of followers in his social speeches and lives with the traditions of Venezuela, has to have a high life in Orlando, Florida.
