Issues of the February 19th of 2021 | Horoscopes

The universal number for these days

Have read the cycle of Piscis and with it the vibration of the number eight, the abundance, which marks with a positive aspect each sign in the Zodiac. For this, read your diary.

The rationale of the universal number for today: day (19), month (2), year (2021), nos of a sum of 19 + 2 = 21 (which is reduced to 3), and level 2 + 2 + 1 of 2021, that = 5, for that 3+ 5 = 8.

Time is running out for:
Length: 07:09
Dinner: 13:27
Amor: 10:44 nm
Work: 16:55

Your high numbers:
Signos de fuego (Ram, Leo, Sagitario): 98, 51, 81

Tieros de tierra (Tauro, Virgo, Capricornio): 2, 76, 12 and 84

Signals of air (Gemini, Libra, Acuario): 35, 54, 28

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpion, Fish): 83, 63, 4



Ritual to celebrate what you want to do
