Issabela’s mother Camil rejects Luis Miguel’s series and reveals the motive for his separation

Tras el estreno de ‘Luis Miguel: La Serie 2 ‘, the real hechos of the retreat in the project of Netflix van saliendo a flote y uno de los primeros es el romance of Luis Miguel with Issabela Camil.

Hecho, the mother of Issabela commented in an interview with Luis Miguel, that he is the love of his life, ‘EThe love of the life of Micky without doubt is Issabela, which for me is called Erika, pero sin duda (lo es) ”; no obstacle the relationship ended, followed by the second season of the series, debited to ‘El Sol’ focused on finding your mother, Marcela Basteri.

You are strong desmentido by Tony Starr, who revealed the verdadero motive because the couple is not prosperous, “It was a famous song, tenia another perspective of life; she has her projects. The life of him was very difficult, la de kantar, vivir de noche, las fiestas, a very different life from Erika, she never wanted to be in those moments of love and pressure and entones empezaron to keep a distance”, Cmentioned in an interview with ‘Ventaneando’.

luis miguel issabela camil ruptura asi se separaron verdaderos motivos serie

Tony accepts that none of them have a future joint for the excesses of Luis Miguel orillaron to Issabela a alejarse, Ninguno quería casarse, pero el puro ambiente él, no era el ambiente que Erika quería vivir and he empezó a hacer lo que sea, ella empezó ‘n retarse youeventually broke down, pero eran jovencísimos los dos ”, explained the mother of the actress.

This is what Tony Starr said about the rupture between Issabela and Luis Miguel:

Luis Miguel and Issabela Camil is known as eran niños, sin embargo during the decade of 1990, decides to have an amorous relationship that lasts more than 5 years, following the series of ‘El Sol de México’.

luis miguel issabela camil ruptura asi se separaron verdaderos motivos serie

Without embarrassment, his romance has always been ‘miel sobre hojuelas’ and always has the discretion that characterizes, mantuvieron su amor lejos de los reflectores. Además, Erika Camil (su verdadero nombre) lo convenne para que conociera a su hija Michelle and recognize you paternidad.
