Israel expels the un Mortarized Guidance Ammunition System Guided with Laser and GPS which allows “attacking targets with mayor precision” in open and urban areas, and which will soon be at the disposal of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, informs the Domino Ministry of Defense in a statement.
The proofs of the new equipment, denominated Iron Steak (“Aguijón de hierro”, in English), acabaron recent with success, and according to the Minister of Defense, Beny Gantz, on top of a cambio in the battlefield that there will be “more precise and effective media” in the tropics.
Apart from having “a clear disparity capability that has only now been applied to missiles and aerial munitions”, the system reduces the possibility of causing “collateral deaths” and the risk of civilians and non-combatants being killed, explained Defense.
Tambien adapt and increase the “combat capabilities” of the Ejército “to help the occult in civilian urban areas”, Gantz Destination.
The series of tests was carried out using mortar systems: a “Cardom” system, mounted on an APC M113 and a “Cardom Spear” system, mounted on a Hummer 4X4 SUV.
The Iron Sting is the fruit of diez years of investigation and has a “complex” mechanism that supports “advanced functions” for the “modern battle camp”, according to Brigadier General Yaniv Rotem, Member of the Directorate of Investigation and Development of the Ministry of Defense. “It is part of a very complex program and an innovative system at the international level”, added.
For his part, the head of the Department of Armaments of the Fortress of Tierra de la FDI, Coronel Arik Avivi, remarked: Iron Steak in the FDI. This precise mortar guide guiada is an innovator for the battles of the FDI, which the team with a precise and organic joint power. Until now, this capacity will be reserved for large missiles and complexes. Thanks to this impressive technological development, now it will be implemented in large-scale mortar ammunition ”.
Developed by the local arms company Elbit Systems and, finalizing all relevant tests in the country, will start producing in series for the summit at Ejército. The Director General of the Tierbit Division of Elbit Systems, Yehuda Vered, stated: “The introduction of this ammunition transforms the mortar system into a statistical fugue power into a precision fugue system, which supone a significant change in the ability of fugue to tactical level”.
Israel, a country with a potent armaments industry, has been producing advanced military technology ever since, making it easy to import and export abroad.
(With EFE information)