ISCIII participates in a project for personalized medical research between the EU and Africa


The Salud Carlos III Institute (ISCIII) is taking part in an ‘EU-Africa PerMed Project’ which, as an objective, is stimulating the development and implantation of personalized medicine on a global scale between the European Union and Africa.

The initiative is funded by ‘Horizonte 2020’ in pursuing the project of projects and joint programs of personalized medicine between Europe and Africa, as well as the promotion of bilateral relations in science, technology and innovation in the age of health. The ISCIII, one of the numerous organizations participating in the project, coordinates its main work lines.

At the launch of the program, which celebrates my passing, the first steps will be taken to encourage the integration of African countries into the activities of the International Consortium of Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed).

The project, conceived and designed in the midst of coronavirus broths, responds to the need for global priorities. The implementation and development of the project is supported by six work packages that can identify and involve the relevant organizations related to the health and the integration of financial structures and political organizations in ICPerMed.

In addition, it is aligned with the activities of the EU-Africa research programs that are underway, and with other regional political actions. Specifically, over the next 4 years, the EU-Africa PerMed project will be developed by 13 European organizations (6 societies) as well as Africa (7 societies).

The ISCIII participates in the communication and dissemination activities of the project, together with the intergovernmental organization ECSA-HC (Comunidad de Salud de Africa Oriental, Central and Meridional), which aims to promote regional and salute cooperation between the state member states.

Asimismo, the ISCIII is also responsible for promoting the integration of African financial institutions in ‘ERA PerMed’, a initiative led by the Institute and co-financed by the European Union that co-ordinates and operates among its 32 societies for personal finance.

Precision medicine is one of the ambitions with the mayor implicating ISCIII. Koordinering van die ERA PerMed 2017, an international initiative on personalized medicine in which the main national agencies involved in the financing of biomedical research, the ISCIII has launched the Infrastructure of Licensing of Exercise Medicine (IMPIII). Strategic in Health 2017-2020 of ISCIII.

The concession of these aids to the IMPaCT convectorate, for a total value of 25.8 million euros, is accompanied by a new step towards the implantation of precision medicine in the National Health System and a strategy based on science and innovation, which will be compared in the next year with 77.3 million euros for its development. The programs included in IMPaCT are aligned with different areas that are developed in the future national strategy: Predictive Medicine; Medicina Genómica y Ciencia de Datos.

Among other initiatives, the ISCIII is also involved in the European project ‘PERMIT’, which works in the field of methodological majorities that facilitate the development and implementation of precision medicine, and in the ‘Initiative 1+ Million Genomes’, standardized and secure genomic information available to be shared at European level with a federated access platform; the objective is to consolidate a collaborative project on genomic information to record advances in investigation, prevention of illness, best clinical practice and personalization of treatment.
