Isabel Lascurain has separation of spouses; ¿Podría be compatible?

Mexico City /

The principles of December, Isabel Lascurain revealed that he was separated from his wife, José Manuel, after more than 20 years of matrimony. Once again, this notice will be taken by the Pandora Group to give an interview to Ventaneando in that it is clear there is the possibility of a reconciliation.

During the charla, Isabel Lascurain indicates that it maintains a good relationship with the father of his wife and has the motives for taking the decision to separate.

“We live very well, I believe that it’s important, because, right now, my separation is super friendly. We want a lot, we are in this process,” said Isabel Lascurain.

If you want more than one year apart, then it’s important for him to be able to have a good relationship independently, since he has no partner.

“I believe that it is very important that José Manuel, I hope he can have a good relationship”, he said.

More recently, the song has been detailed about what suicidality during his matrimony and, inclusive, does not detract from the possibility of reconciling with his spouse.

“There are moments in the matrimony that there are unjust and it is good that there is a time of respiration, a time to analyze, to think and to be the final of the result that everything is well and good, sad and no, no pasa nada “, aseguró.

Cabe mentions that one day he had the amount of reparation with his wife during the celebration of his wife, José Manuel, of 19 years. Follow Isabel Lascurain’s wife who shared a photo on Instagram along with his ex at the party.

