Isabel II celebrates 69 years in the British throne confined in Windsor

La Reina Isabel II (EFE / Archive)
La Reina Isabel II (EFE / Archive)

Queen Isabel II commemorates this sabbath 69 years in the British Throne, confined in his Windsor castle to the cause of the pandemic and ally of his Sandringham residence for the first time in 30 years due to these fires.

It was a month of hard work, with no special activities and “very good profile” for the monarch, 94 years, according to Indian experts in real life, when only a year to read the llamado Jubileo de Platino, which subtracts a historical hit to mark it 70 years ago as jefa de Estado.

On this occasion, the global crisis of COVID-19 was miraculously rooted in what has now become a personal tradition that has been religiously complied with by the sovereign, since 6 February in Sandringham House, in the English county of Norfolk.

Fue enos dominios donde su padre, el rey Jorge VI, faleció a los 56 ainos mientras dormía este mismo día en 1952, cuando su primogenénita tenía apenas 25 anos.

The death of Rey met with Princess Isabel in Kenya, during a tour of the Commonwealth, which regressed and converted into a monarchy.

The British Queen Isabel II and her husband, the Duke of Edimburg, celebrating his 73rd birthday at Windsor Castle on November 17 (Chris Jackson / Getty Images Europe / Entregada via REUTERS)
The British Queen Isabel II and her husband, the Duke of Edimburg, celebrating his 73rd birthday at Windsor Castle on November 17 (Chris Jackson / Getty Images Europe / Entregada via REUTERS)


This year, Isabel II finds himself together with his wife, the Duke of Edimburg, 99 years old, between the parishes of Windsor, where the couple received the care of a reduced staff team, built as “la burbuja de Su Majestad”.

The last time this was Sandringham’s death was during the anniversary of his ascension in 1990 to find official visits to New Zealand. But also other long-term visits in the decade of the 50s and 60s he was separated from his country in the month of February.

In the twentieth year of the throne, Isabel II was unable to commemorate the fall of Australia in another month of six months, which lasted until November 1953.

In 1977 – on the occasion of the Jubilee of Plata – the monarch and the real family met in the real capital located in Windsor Great Park to attend a service for the 25th anniversary of his ascension to the throne.

The real family in 1960 (AP)
The real family in 1960 (AP)

Segun reveals to local media the expert in reality Joe Little, editor of the monthly British magazine Your Majesty, a la soberana “he likes to take this day in a tranquil way, remembering the failure of his father, so that, without hesitation, there is no day to celebrate”.

Según Little, the hecho of which hayan passed 69 years after the death of rey Jorge VI ha “dissipado un poco” el dolor que conlleva la fecha “but it is clearly a very important day for her and will always be there”.

During the anniversary, la Reina suele enfrascarse en oraciones privadas en memoria de su padre and it is possible, adventure the citado expert, that today continues the tradition in the private chapel of Windsor Castle although, in any case, its activities will be “very good”.

In any case, from Buckingham Palace, the official residence in London of the monarchy, he had no comment to reveal the plans of Isabel II.

Reina Isabel II completes 69 years on the throne (BUCKINGHAM PALACE / AFP)
Reina Isabel II completes 69 years on the throne (BUCKINGHAM PALACE / AFP)


In the long run, the British have been holding on to their Reina as a reference figure and continuity in moments of adversity, but including the prop Isabel II has recently admitted that the pandemic has a “different challenge” to other passages.

Little comment on respect that this appears to be “one of the periods of the mayor of Islam sovereignty of the sovereign, or of his life, can not see his friends, nor his family”.

Although the evolution of the coronavirus will condition the future, there are some plans that predictably mark the 70th anniversary of Isabel II’s throne in 2022.

The national media are related to an extra day will be celebrated in the country as part of a large weekend of four days, between the 2nd and 5th of June of this year.

From the British real estate house a calendar of festive events -which has not been announced- and that, given the actual context, will depend on how the crisis progresses.

There are various party parties spread throughout the country, as is the tradition in real Jubilees. Además, the citizens of the United Kingdom will be invited to plant an arbol, as part of a campaign named The Queen’s Green Canopy, which will launch the nearest mayo.

The media are advancing as a result of a project led by the benefit organization Cool Earth together with the governmental foundation The Bushveld.

The theme of the financing of festivities in the midst of an economic climate abysmal over the coronavirus crisis also appears to be one of the resulting themes.

In this sense, the deputy of the Escocés Nationalist Party Steven Bonnar I highly recommend “do not go to excess in ceremonies and celebrations” to mark this Jubilee.

(With EFE information)


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