Is the video of the young lady who married her new and the one she met with her lover?

Video de joven llevando mariachi ‘n su novia se hace viral why the llega to meet with his lover, pero, is it really? Die kontamos lo que se sabe hasta ahora.

In the images can be seen that the chic, Colombian procedure, llega con mariachi a house of novia. The sad commenza when the novice is ashamed of the sale of his chic and the having sexual relations with his lover.

Love video viral

Photo: Video capture

Mientras tanto el mariachi continue to talk and the vecinos salen to be witnesses of the moment in which the young commenza percatarse de la situation and tira los regalos al suelo.

Finally, in the video if the novice, now exnovia, asoma by the venta to immediately want to close the curtain and pay the lust of his dwelling in what he finds with his lover.

Fue broma de una influencer

Hasta donde sabemos, the video was a broma of the Colombian influencer, Aleyda Gaviria Echeverri, and was caught in the department of Caldas, Colombia.

This influencer has 56 years and is known as ‘La abuela’, and is famous for his videos in speeches of parodies and jokes. So it’s sure the video was completely planned as one of its contents.
