Is the rock in Fortnite?

Is the rock in Fortnite?

Fortnite players have been wondering if Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is in Fortnite. The game’s community speculates that the person behind The Foundation is actually The Rock himself.

Epic Games, with the update of Chapter 2 Season 6, unveiled the Zero Crisis Finale, a single-player live event featuring players on a mission with Agent Jones and The Foundation. In that case, players must prevent the collapse of the Zero Point, a mysterious object that appears to be the core of the universe and that unites different dimensions into one reality. The Fortnite community has begun to decipher all the hidden meanings and details in the Zero Crisis Finals, and one of the most popular speculations is that The Foundation is actually The Rock.

Is The Rock in Fortnite?

Reddit user, “matteoiceman”, went to Reddit to indicate similarities between The Rock and The Foundation, such as similar names and body types. They also referred to a message from The Rock’s official Instagram account, which contained a caption ‘the foundation’ and footage from The Rock referring to ‘the power and strength of the foundation’. The video was also uploaded on March 16, the same day that Epic Games released Chapter 2 Season 6.

With all this in mind, it’s easy to see why many people speculate that The Rock is in Fortnite. All the clues directly indicate that he is the person behind The Foundation. With all the Fortnite collaborations Epic Games has done so far, it would not be too surprising to see that this is the case.

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