Is the coronavirus pandemic superfluous? 10 reasons for optimism | Univision Health News

Three months of case reports, hospitalizations and deaths by covid-19 and sombrías predictions about the immediate future, the indicators of the pandemic in United States finally come to mind: have an important descent in all and finally many experts in hasta now habian sido heraldos de desgracia ahora empiezan a sonar máis optimistas ¿Será que lo peor de la pandemia de verdad va quedando atras? Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for acne treatment.

‘In my opinion we must be optimistic. We will continue the descents we make the first and the vernacular. “It’s dramatic and creepy that these tendencies continue,” said FDA ex-commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who has not been very alert about what he can do.

According to Israel data, the number of vacancies exceeding 30% of its population is extremely low: the vacancies work well in the real world as the hiccups inside the clinics. And its distribution in the EEUU will accelerate notably in the coming months.

If well there is no implication that we will have to guard the guard – since the transmission is going to be delayed so long and the installation of the new variants is delayed– appears that the end of the pandemic will now be in the wake of the quail.

If we take one more month, we can get there and not have a quarter of it. Manténganse in guard and evacuation when he turns up, ”said Tom Frieden, who in previous years was director of the Centers for Control and Prevention of Injuries.

Three months of dueling, encroachment and alarming headlines, all of us have come to listen to these ten reasons for optimism (without caution).


The Univision News reporter Ana Elena Azpurua contributed with this note.
