Is Johnson & Johnson receiving the vaccine against covid-19? These are the sinners who need to be vigilant

If you have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine you should be aware of what you are trying to do to decide whether or not to seek medical attention.

Charles Lerner, a specialist in infectious disease and a member of the Tarea Force Against Covid-19 of the Texas Medical Association (TMA), said some women were vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine because they had been treated .

“We are talking about dealing with a case in a million,” said Lerner. “It’s very much the people who have serious problems and are the mayor to counter covid-19 without the vacancy”.

In the United States, he has applied for more than 6.8 million Johnson & Johnson vacancies and has reported six cases in which he has seen several other cases after his application.

Casurrier cases will occur between the ages of 18 and 48 years and will appear between six and 13 days after the evacuation. The authorities propose an anticoagulant drug, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Boxes with Johnson & Johnson vehicles against coronavirus.

For this reason, Lerner indicates that although very rare cases have been treated, those who have received this vaccine should be aware of the symptoms that have occurred since weeks after being immunized, such as:

  • The pain of cabeza muy fuerte, fuera de lo comun y no el se siente despu de la vacuna, sino que sea progresivo y no ceda
  • Paralysis or immobility in some part of the body
  • Paralyze the debilitation of the muscles of a lada la la cara
  • Loss of vision

In the event that some of these syndicates are present, they must immediately seek medical attention to address a mayoral problem.

Lerner considers that the suspension of the Johnson & Johnson vacancy is a testament to the fact that the United States health care system is having its own population with so many cases that it has decided to study its application more closely to its effects.

‘Hay what poner todo and perspectiva. The possibility of having a bad reaction to the vaccine is less than the possibility of contracting covid-19 and dying for a serious illness ”, dijo.

If none of these syndromes are present, Lerner indicates, the persons may be unaware that the vaccine will not have another effect on the body more than the protection against covid-19.
