Is it time to double face masks to fight COVID-19 variants?

With new variants of the coronavirus popping up all over the US and even in some parts of Texas, there is a bit of ridicule claiming that wearing two face masks is better than one.

Some medical experts told the Washington Post this week that if you add the mask and increase your protection against the virus, you run the risk of getting COVID-19, or one of the variants from the UK, South Africa or Brazil. to do, reduce.

However, the CDC has not issued any official guidelines on wearing two face masks instead of one, and according to dr. Ruth Berggren at UT Health San Antonio there are no medical studies to prove it yet.


Dr Berggren said in an interview with KSAT 12 that two face masks may not be necessary. Just make sure you have two or three layers in your face mask and follow the three W’s – Wover a mask, Wit is six meters apart, and Was your hands.

“I don’t think double masking is the answer – it’s the 3Ws,” said Dr. Berggren said. ‘You do not have to have two masks to be safe. You just have to have a good mask. ‘

‘At least a double layer of masks, not a single layer of stretchable material. Two or three layers, ”said dr. Berggren added.

With these new virus variants you can ask yourself how safe the face masks you have been using for the past year are.

To begin with, make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth. If you only wear a mask halfway and only cover your mouth, according to your Berggren it offers little protection for you and those around you.


‘[It’s] totally ineffective. It looks like you are not wearing a mask at all, ‘said dr. Berggren said.

It is also important to keep in mind how well your mask fits. If it is loose or has a large gap on the sides, you can wear a second mask.

‘If your mask has a large gap on the side, this is a problem. You have to work on whether it is a second mask, ‘said dr. Berggren said.

The CDC has some other tips for figuring out which masks are the safest to use.


  • Has two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric

  • Make sure you cover your nose and mouth with the mask

  • The sides of your mask should fit snugly around your face without gaps

Do not:

  • Use masks made of materials that are difficult to breathe, such as vinyl

  • Do not use masks with exhalation valves or openings that could allow virus particles to escape.

  • Intended for healthcare professionals, such as N95s or surgical masks

Click here for more information on what the CDC recommends for face masks.

Yes, according to a recent report by The Associated Press, some of the variants have already moved to Texas.


As of Jan. 19, health officials have reported a case of the British variant, or B.1.1.7, in Dallas County. Another case was confirmed on Jan. 7 in Houston.

None of the variants are more deadly. However, they are significantly more transmissible, media experts say.

Dr. Berggren said that although reports have not officially confirmed that cases of the variants have been found in San Antonio, she believes the chances are good that they are already here.

“We know they were found in Houston, and we believe they are here,” said Dr. Berggren said.

Fortunately, it is believed that the vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer are still effective against these new strains of COVID-19. Enhancers can also be developed to combat the vaccine’s response.


Health officials urge you to continue to follow the applicable guidelines for public health and not to watch.

You can complete the interview with Dr. See mountain border here.

RELATED: Health expert says San Antonio could have a world of hurt with COVID-19 variants

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