Is it time to die? Jenni Rivera’s boarded a plane with a mechanical trap

One more family Rivera was about to lose to one of its integrants aboard a plane, was taken by Chiquis Rivera, hija de Jenni Rivera who murió tan only a few minutes after haberse subido a unioneta la llevaría a la Mexico City December 09, 2012

See your stories from instagram row Chiquis shared with his followers from Miami, debido a que se tuvo que bajar del avion pues la aeronave tenía algo que debían arreglar.

Sin embargo, although the experts try to regulate the desperate of the air force, it’s not a matter of the law that the mayor Jenni Rivera who insures that ?? all pass by algo ??.

Además Chiquis question that the opinion to his abuela of lo había sucedido and the interpretation of themes as ?? Me vale ?? quoted as Doña Rosa the dijo y es que cabe signal that the Rivera family is very creative in Dios ya as the matriarch of the family Rivera le asseguró a su nieta él había tenido la ultima palabra y sabía por qué hacía las cosas de dicha manera.

Pese a que Chiquis in the radiant and ostentatiously happy video, we dudamos that preoccupied debit to the form in which his mother loses life.

¿Jenni vive?

El pasado December 09, 2020, Jenni Rivera companion 8 years ago to have lost their life, without embarrassment, from the day they were told the air accident would take place ?? La Diva de la banda ?? he also revealed some theories as to what the Mexican regional song would be like.

And there are many who insure that Jenni now is dedicated to making videos on youtube dicho material eran recipes of coke while promoting his tequila pues in videos that subía salía the alcoholic baby who saco antes de morir.

Others will ensure that your testimony is protected by FBI and others will reveal that all these years have been completed in Mexico, but none of these theories has resulted in it being demonstrated.

