Is it safe to visit grandparents after getting the vaccine against Covid?

Since last week, more than 37 million people in the U.S. received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine, according to a Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Another 13 million people received their second dose, which completely completed their vaccination series against Covid-19.

Since many people have already been immunized against the virus, the questions are: when can we start visiting family or planning a party? Getting vaccinated can ease your anxiety about retirement, but even people who have had both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine will still need to follow the guidelines to wear a well-fitting mask and social distance.

“Fully vaccinated” means that at least two weeks have passed since someone received the second dose of a two-dose vaccine or a single dose of a single-dose vaccine.

NBC News has asked vaccination experts what they will feel comfortable with once they have been fully vaccinated.

Is it safe to visit family?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leading public health advisers in the country, told Savannah Guthrie on the NBC program “TODAY” that he is regularly asked if it is safe to get together without resorting to public health measures such as masking and social to give up.

“The answer will ultimately be yes,” he said during the interview on Thursday.

However, this is when everyone in the group is fully vaccinated. Fauci requested more warning if only one party received the vaccine, as vaccinated people could possibly have viruses in their noses and transmit them to others.

“This is why we say, until we have vaccinated the vast majority of people, and the level of virus is very low. If you are vaccinated, it would be wise to wear a mask,” Fauci said.

Although we do not yet know how large the vaccine limits the transmission, early data from Moderna and AstraZeneca indicate a modest protection against asymptomatic infection, and therefore a lower ability to spread the virus.

‘We do not know much about whether or not [the vaccines] is able to prevent infection, which means you can become infected and be unknowingly transmitted to others, ”said William Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. “It’s something we’re still learning about.”

While these vaccines are some of the greatest scientific achievements Hanage has seen in his career, it is not a good idea to go back to pre-pandemic life immediately, he warned.

Gloria DeSoto, 92, was visiting with her family in their car on June 11 through a window in the Hebrew House in Riverdale, Bronx, NY.Seth Few / AP File

Like Fauci, Hanage agrees that if he and his older family members received the vaccine, he would feel safe giving them a hug – but only if both parties completed their vaccination series.

“One of the best things about the vaccine is that it’s older people and more vulnerable to disease, and it’s going to be easier to get in touch with them,” Hanage said.

Dr Jay Varkey, an associate professor of Infectious Diseases at Emory University in Atlanta, said that although he has completed his vaccine range and that his parents also want to do it up close, he will only feel safe giving them a hug if the transmission speed in the community is low. He added that if he were older family members essential workers, he would give it even more time.

‘If my family members have to work in the community as essential workers, in factories or in school environments where they are mixed with many other people, many of whom are not vaccinated, I will endure a little longer. , ”Varkey said.

Is it safe to gather indoors?

Infectious diseases also had different opinions about whether they would feel safe to get together with friends indoors.

Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a physician at Infectious Diseases at UCSF Health, has suggested that ‘immune bubbles’ be formed with other members who have also been vaccinated. Inside the bubble, friends and family who are fully vaccinated can gather without masks or social distance.

For example, Chin-Hong has a group of five to seven colleagues at work who have completed their vaccination series and are looking forward to taking it for dinner. Inside these bubbles it is safe to assemble without masks and social distance.

“We wore masks before entering my house or dinner, but once I was there, I think I would feel comfortable having everyone take off their masks, sit around the table, watch a football game or listen to music,” he said. Chin-Hong said. NBC News on Thursday during a “Doc to Doc” Facebook Live interview with senior medical correspondent Dr. John Torres. “These are all things I’ve been putting off for over a year, and I can’t wait to do them.”

Hanage has requested a little more caution to enter temporarily without masks, until the virus becomes more under control in the community.

“We’ll have to keep an eye on this virus. It’s very sneaky, so be careful,” Hanage said. “If I were in that situation, I would keep my mask on for a while, but I would look forward to it.”

Although experts have differing opinions on what is safe after being vaccinated, they all agree on one thing: do not lose the mask if you are in a public place.

“Other people do not know that you have been vaccinated, so by wearing a mask, you show whether you have been vaccinated or not, you are still looking at them,” Hanage said.
