¡Irrevocable! Así so kortwoordig Peter la anguila en las calles de Miami

It’s impossible to name Peter la Anguila and who will not retaliate because of his extravagance and pegasus baile. For that matter, new years of his video, viralized around the world with the song “El Estilo de Peter la Anguila”, the contams we have with the Cuban in the news.

Although a video of the catapult to the family, although the world interprets every step, the surrogate fate in 2012, the change drastically to youth.

And it’s with the passing of time that the star of YouTube is getting into the scandal that is engulfing its artistic rumble.

Estuo detained for domestic violence, “death by death, divorce, imprisonment by cocaine”, revealed in First Mano, Mexican farandula program.

The fame fuemera and Peter asi the understanding, al darse account that other artists with new projects fueron giving the suyo in the olvido. Thus, the interpretation of the bipartisan bail out depression depends on the fact that a new series of people “common and current” and he has no plans to maintain his family.

“Antes todo el mundo estaba a mi lado y ahora nadie me escribe, nadie me dice nada. In the depression that was causing me to become overwhelmed with reality, that there was no such thing as Peter La Anguila, I felt that I had to work… ”, he confessed in the dialogue with the farandula program.

“I was shocked by the fact that many people are joven iban ahí (in his work as a dispatcher in a hamburger chain) and decided: ‘You have a crack for working here’; every time I do that, I’m shocked, because I’ve wanted to follow the character, but I’re on the podium, I have no production, I’m disqualified, ”he said.

Peter La Anguila antes de su scandalo por drogas y violencia (Foto: Captura Youtube)

Peter la anguila: De cantante a panadero

Pero the good of the case, that once all the dark episodes are over, the popular joven ha dicho from his residence, in Miami, that transits the city calls a diary to meet the family and the new hogar that can build.

Dando vuelta a la pagina, Peter superó los solblas del pasade, se caso y actuale trabaja en un panadería para mantener a su familij y ahororrar diner para volver a grabar canciones.

Ahora, in his panadero role “what we make is the mass of bread for restaurants and airports, because the bread of ours (Cuban) has been salted for a little while”, details.

It’s difficult when a person has made the family, it is difficult not to want to revive the moments of glory. For that matter, Anguila works hard to get rid of musical projects and, finally, to catch up.
