¡Irrevocable! Aseguran que Cristiano explotó y golpeó paredes

Mexico City /

Tras no anotarle al Genoa y desperdiciar varias jugadas claras de gol, Cristiano Ronaldo if there is a lot of molestation in the vestibule, the degree of not having to deal with the bullshit and galloping through the walls, Italy.

La Juventus victory by 3-1, but more than the triumph of his squad, the Portuguese wanted to increase their scoring goal.

Cristiano did not avoid making gestures at the end of the game, dejo la cancha cabizbajo, quitándose la camiseta y lanzando la camiseta al suelo and a recogepelotas se la quedó, segun porque se la había pedido.

The Gazzetta dello Sport reveals that ahí vinieron los puñetazos a la pared y después paso a bañarse para retirarse del sitio.

El Juventus technician Andrea Pirlo, defended on his star: “¿La camiseta al suelo? Cristiano estaba enfadado por no haber marcado goles. Vio que hubo ocasiones y it is normal for a player of his level to always increase his records. And if you want to get better, it’s normal to be childish. No habra mulas ni nada “, explanation.
