Irina Baeva llora a su exnovio, aún no sabe porqué la dejó

Irina Baeva not only details of how he commenced his relationship with Gabriel Soto in a recent interview, but he also had a few others difficult episodes of his life, which is sucedieron to read in Mexico.

The actress ran into an interview with Yordi Rosado about her relationship with the actor Emmanuel Palomares was one of those difficult episodes, then never understood how it ended with her, “Our endings and fue, bueno, the drama of my life … The Suffering Much, never ending because we are terminated and I love it very much and the world is a very good relationship, we live much time together with both years and medium, more or less ”, commenced.

And as the CEA student, time has passed the opportunity to protagonize ‘Vino el Amor’, telenovela en la que conoció a Gabriel Soto. Pese a esta felicidad lo lo laboral, Irina cuente que su vida personal no era la mejor, I’m in the moment when I feel the sun It was not that he was suced. The question: ‘Pero, What is it that is bad?‘Yo a lo mejor no le ponía tanta attención a la relaci o lo que sea, la verdad es que no sé. Yes, lo amaba mucho”.

emmanuel palomares irina baeva juntos

While on the beach, Irina feels that she feels very lonely at the moment and has just passed a week of her rupture when Michelle Renaud goes to bed and is invited both, “Justo cuando terminamos, We invite you to the booth of Michelle Renaud, ella es muy amiga mía, y yo fui a la boda sola, fue cuando se casó hace muchos años. I learned to manage and, for that matter, I said that I was driving at the moment when I felt the most because I bought my first car … The day I got in my van, no hay nadie que me acompañe, no hay amigas, no hay novio, papás, familia, hermana, no hay nadie ”.

Irina Baeva wanted to record her relationship with Emmanuel Palomares:

emmanuel palomares irina baeva novios

The actress accounted for the song she had ended her relationship with, she was fired An Emmanuel recovery, although it was not intended to be a query, it did not have anything more to do, “I’m lush by this relationship, yo le mandaba surpresas. Treated with hablar con él. Me puse el rango de un mes, yo dije: ‘And this is a treat to recover the relationship’ and if it is not the case that when it comes to another, it is as if rogando no tiene caso, it’s awful for the person you want ”, finalized.

emmanuel palomares irina baeva por qué terminaron

Irina recounts the day Emmanuel made the confession that she did not want to follow her, since she had prepared a romantic price of surprise to recover the relationship, “I have a friend who helped me, I did not know that I do. By the way, editing a video with the cancer of Carlos Rivera … Le dije: ‘Oye, pues yo te amo, por favor, pues vamos a darnos una oportunidad’ y él me dijo: ‘Yo también te amo -porque lloramos los dos-, pero yo ya no quiero estar contigo‘y yo dije ok, haveta aquí llegamos ”.
