Irina Baeva is embarrassed, she despises the rumored rumor

Have some time for the actress Irina Baeva of 28 years of sharing in his social speeches a state with a video showing that he was very emotional about what he was going through. Follow up on the comments and the majority of comments made by a embarrassment.

If the model responds in a comment that says “An integrative new member of the family, you are a fan”, while the response that it responds to is one of the most popular, it is very similar to its fans can establish 100% sure that ella estaba embarrassed pues esto es lo haha ​​esperado desde hace mucho tiempo atrás.

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In his Instagram posts, Irina followed up with stories from where he and I had to tell the world, but he was surprised … the actress and her partner, Gabriel Soto, referred to the fact that the resident accommodated the alcena, because of the hace time was a disorder. Sí lo sé, eso fue totally a burla hacia nosotros.

The year passed Irina was in the mouth of all because she also thinks that a baby is tender, otherwise there will be a very false rumor. There are many times when Irina was emotional to us, but unfortunately we could not have wanted to have a baby, we hope that for the other he has no emotion.

“It’s embarrassed and I’ve not entered, I’ve not cheated, I’m totally wrong, I’ve been doing everything I could to tell the people because they’ve had a lot of inventions and the day’s money is being invented by anyone. It’s totally false and I’m not entered,” dijo the actress in that occasion.

The moonlight strikes in Mexico the trailer for the telenovela “Te acuerdas de mí”, where the participation of Gabriel Soto, novice of the actress and model Irina Baeva we are sure that Irina will be the first to center in front of the television to be able to watch the telenovela, then in the social speeches we will see that we can not hide the emotion in the mirror.

“For the sake of corran ya va a ver el trailer, les comparto que yo sabía la historia muy agranda, pero ahora vi vi el trailer quede así. Letterlik. Qué buena historia y qué bien hecha esta! Va a estar. Me urge que se estrene because to see the pure trailer and quedé picada “, wrote the model on his Instagram account.

Although you can play an extra bit Irina quedo fascinated with the interpretation of the two characters of the novel, then it seems that Gabriel and Fátima have a great chemistry and the model does not have to convert the fan number one of this pair into the telenovela. It can be very rare for women to wear it when they are pregnant.

“Gabriel Soto and Fátima Molina are fans of Vera and Pedro Felicidades a los dos”, Irina said in a comment.

“This couple has always surprised us, demonstrated our unconditional love, gave us one on the other, each one on the other and as if to hope, the guapísima actress dedicated the beautiful words to Gabriel Soto, to his new name” Te acuerdas de mí “, sin duda alguna este es el meir detail that Gabriel Soto can tener.

“I’m so sorry for you, now that she’s estranged, her story will change the pen to death, she loves and loves what she’s waiting for, she’s thirsty, she’s thirsty, there will be an exit because the great victims will always be great benefactors “With all, I love”, these are the words that Irina dedicated to her novel.

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