Irina Baeva did not follow in the footsteps of Gabriel Soto: “lo amo”

With a plastic in the distance, debited to the red semaphore volvió a la CDMX, y los planes de vernos cara a cara con Irina Baeva kambiaron; the Russian birth, the Mexican heart of courage, our plateau about his childhood in that country, the curious form with which he was destined to become an actress and how he was born in Mexico, where the hopeful the professional and lado del también actor Gabriel Soto.

-Irina, eres de Rusia, ¿cómo fue tu niñez en watel país?
‘Sí, nací en Quarrel in the 90s, which was a difficult time for my family because in those days my father was a military man ”.

– Why was it difficult?
“Because we are going through a city to work on electricity issues, we need to adapt. My mother, who is the master of primacy, gives classes to the nines of the provinces from which we live. Even though there is a rudimentary infancy, my parents find out that I do not have the means to do so ”.

-What difficulties do you find yourself in?
“In these entities, families are bound to share debt and that we collect products, so that we mean a family has a lot of harina, other tenies, share entities and therefore we support them to the others”.

Irina and Gabriel Soto

– Do you remember the places where your family lived when they were nine?
“My tocó live in beautiful places like the Montes Urales e islas en el Océano Ártico, donde había osos polares que caminaban en las calles. In these sites you have incredible experiences, like seeing boreal auras, things that many do not see in their life. The better now that you have great value, but in these entities, the normal way, do not detain me to think that I have the opportunity to see unique things ”.

-At what time to start sleeping like this?
“When I was 10 years old, my father had to leave the military and we went to Moscow, I wanted to stay here because my brother Nina and I had more access to the schools and universities”.

-How to talk to her husband?
“Nina and I are always superheroes, but our full compliments when we went to Moscow because I had one year, thank you for what I learned from my mother. Entonces, although she lives with me for a year, we will study together ”.

Irina Baeva in Russia

-Pocos saben que studiste Periodismo, ¿vor qué dejaste la carre?
“Yes, I studied Periodism in the Moscow State University, pero al año y medio dije ‘¡ya no más!’. In these Spanish studies he studied the Mexican telenovelas that were transmitted in Russia, and one day he decided to go to Mexico to try his luck ”.

-Per era another continent, other costumes, ¿not te dio miedo?
“La verdad, nee. In 2012 the career and supe of the existence of CEA (Television Artistic Education Center), if I have an army of valor, hice my malets and my vine ”.

-How did you enter CEA?
“First I sent an email to write that I wanted to see Mexico, deseaba estudiar ahí y que les pedía una oportunidad ”.

Irina Baeva and her husband

-What do you answer?
“I would like to be accepted, but all the guests will be corrected by my account. You are the first traveler to Mexico. I studied five semen and I went to Moscow to tell my dads that I was in Mexico, that I was acting ”.

-¿Alguien of your family wine contigo?
“Me vine sola, solísima (ríe). When I entered the CEA, my father supported me economically, but on occasions when he worked as a deacon and therefore sacrificed a small amount of money. To all are difficult and here in the CEA we share all our latitudes, our arrows and the fall of the pole (ríe) ”.

-¿Nunca pensaste en regresarte a Rusia?

“I have very complicated moments, but I am a person who adapts to the change and always has the positive things, in addition, I never have a plan B, because I think that when I propose something and I clearly have a plan B , when the things are complicated, you will have to persecute your son ”.

Wine the love

-Do you have a hard time dominating Spain?
“It was my job to pay for it; nada que ver como estoy hablando ahorita. There are many times that I think ‘I have teenage accents’ and I’m frustrated because I do not know how to fold, but little by little I am modulating the voice and creed that he has written (ríe) ”.

-Debutas en 2015 af ‘Muchacha italiana viene a casarse’ y un ano después ya estabas protagonizando, ¿qué sentiste al ver que tu carrera despegaba?
“If the goal is to protagonize a telenovela, but the project is very fast, surprising, and it’s the best it can be, because the weight of a telenovela is very important”.

-How did your family react to the fact that they are being evicted?
“My dads don’t speak Spanish, and Nina, who’s my number one, both have the chapters of my telenovelas and explain them to my dads. If you like my husband, this is like the official translator; ella no habla español, pero lo entiende muy bien ”.

Actress Irina Baeva

So far, my dad has never been to Mexico to work …
“Nee, pero cuando fue el mundial, mejor yo fui a verlos (ríe)”.

-In 2016, Gabriel conjures up ‘Vino el amor’, a surge of laughter between you in the middle of the scandal. Now that time has passed, what are you all about when you get involved?
Gabriel and yo our knowledge in 2016 y, viendolo a la distance, valió la pena todo. Creo que todo es aprendizaje en esta vida y así lo tomo. The past is past and now aggravated that the things are suyanid as if dieron porke me help to be the person that so, and above all, I am grateful with the result ”.

-Mucho is said in media that if the body, the ankle, the hijos … What is it like?
“In these moments our priority as a couple is becoming increasingly difficult. The truth is that there are no plans to make plans and more for the pandemic. Gabriel and I are happy and more loved than ever. Casarnos y tener hijos son cosas se se han platicado, pero todo en su momento ”.

Irina noviazgo Gabriel Soto

-Dice your dads don’t speak Spanish, how did Gabriel want to talk to them?
“It’s very chisty (ríe) … Gabriel le hecha ganas ganas al ruso, de hecho, cuando vino mi hermana a principios de la pandemia, era tan comic ver como mi sobrino de 5 años le enseñaba palabras a Gabriel en ruso y no podía pronunciarlas, y él le enseñaba palabras en español al nene ¡y enseguida lo hacía bien! ”

-2020 has been a long year for all, what reflections do you have?

“Definitely a complicated year. In my case you have the fortune to convince more time with the family of my husband that, for the sake of the destination, powder can be found in my house for three months; fue algo bonito can be with them. I believe that the principal is teaching that our day 2020 will bring the things we want ”.

-What do you hope for this 2021 in its professional and personal?
“In the profession, saldrá una película, mi primer acercamiento al cine; for the personal lad, this is the 2021 hope that we will have as a couple; amo a Gabriel y estoy feliz con él ”, concluded.

Irina Baeva trayectoria
