Iran’s Javad Zarif says the country is ready for a new relationship with the US – but the clock is ticking

In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday, Zarif said the Biden government had a “limited opportunity” to re-enter the 2015 nuclear deal.

“The time for the United States to return to the nuclear deal is not unlimited,” he said. “The United States has a limited opportunity because President Biden does not want to present himself as trying to take advantage of the failed policies of the former Trump administration.”

Iran has increasingly violated its obligations under the Nuclear Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), after the Trump administration withdrew the United States in 2018.
Last month, the Iranian regime announced that it had again enriched its uranium to 20% purity at its Fordow nuclear facility – well above the 3.67% limit set by the 2015 treaty, although still less than the 90% considered as a weapon degree. .

Tehran has made it clear that any agreement now with the Biden administration will depend on reversing the harsh economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration. In December, the Iranian-dominated parliament passed legislation requiring the government to step up uranium enrichment if US sanctions are not eased within two months of the law being amended.

Biden must look beyond the lever to rejoin the Iran deal

Asked how quickly Iran could scale down its uranium enrichment program to comply with the nuclear deal if the US lifted sanctions, Zarif said: “8,000 pounds of enriched uranium could return to the previous amount in less than a day.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview with NBC on Sunday that the US considers that it could take a matter of weeks before Tehran has enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon if it continues to restrict JCPOA. further lift.

But Iran has publicly insisted it is not seeking a nuclear weapon, an attitude that Zarif reiterated on Monday.

“If we wanted to build a nuclear weapon, we could have done it some time ago,” he said. “But we have decided that nuclear weapons are not our security, and that it is contrary to our ideological view. And that is why we have never pursued nuclear weapons.”

A major criticism of the original nuclear deal was that it did not protect neighboring countries from non-nuclear threats by Iran, and Tehran did not refrain from financing militarily in countries such as Yemen, where Iran-backed Houthi rebels were locked up in a bloody war not. against a Saudi and UAE-led coalition.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said at an event for the U.S. Institute for Peace on Friday that the restoration of the agreement is a key priority for Biden’s government – but warned that talks could be affected by the fact that Iran has become a more important issue. threat than in the early years of the JCPOA.

Iran’s ballistic missile capability has ‘progressed dramatically’, he said. “Their recklessness and sponsorship for terrorism in the region has not diminished and in some areas it has also accelerated.”

Iran's Rouhani hopes Biden will return to the Obama - era nuclear deal, calling Trump a 'tyrant'.

Zarif, a former Iranian ambassador to the UN, said Iran had acted in accordance with dispute resolution mechanisms written in the JCPOA since the US withdrawal. “Iran used the mechanisms in the nuclear agreement to limit its cooperation. If you read paragraph 36, we acted strictly in accordance with the nuclear agreement,” he said.

He called on the United States to suspend arms sales to local rivals, saying Biden’s government should adhere to the original terms of the nuclear deal.

“Is the United States prepared to reduce the hundreds of billions of dollars in arms it sells to our region? Is the United States prepared to stop the Yemeni massacre if it wants to talk about the situation in Yemen?” he said. CNN investigations earlier revealed that airstrikes in the Yemeni coalition caused American bombs.

“The United States must accept what we have agreed upon,” Zarif added. “We decided not to agree on certain things, not because we neglected them, but because the United States and its allies were not willing to do what was necessary.”

According to Zarif, the question of who should take the first step to return to the JCPOA can be resolved by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

“Borrell can put on his hat as coordinator for the JCPOA’s joint commission and create a kind of choreography about the steps that the United States must take and the steps that Iran must take,” he said.
