Iranian leader calls on Trump and assures that ‘revenge is inevitable’

TEHERÁN, IRÁN.- An account on Twitter of the Iranian supreme leader, the Ayyollah Ali Jamenei, pidió vengar al General Qasem Soleimani, assassinated the passing year in Iraq, and arranged for the former president Donald Trump, who was ordered to die.

“Vengeance is inevitable. Soleimani’s assistant and who ordered his death should sue the vengeance”, said the message, published in Persian by the youth at the @khamenei_site account, which pertains to a Ayatollah web page.

The phrase is accompanied by a set of photos that Trump showed off playing golf at the Sea of ​​Galilee.

Soleimani era el jefe de la Fuerza Quds, an elite unit of los Guardians of the Revolution, the ideological ideology of Iran, and the artifice of the regional strategy of the Islamic Republic.

Here it is: Trump’s controversial phrases traas dar orden de matar a Soleimani

Passed the 3rd of January 2020 in Baghdad in an attack by stadium drones ordered by Trump, which carries the cargo of mercury and is just retreating to a residencia de Florida with the golf camp.

Jamenei has repeated on various occasions that Soleimani’s death will be avenged. The 1st of January, the one in charge of the Iranian Judicial Authority, Ebrahim Raïssi, declared that the assignees of the emblematic general “will not be safe in any place of the world”.

January 9, Twitter suspended in a post published by one of Jamenei’s comments on the social network in which prohibits the importation of vehicles against the coronavirus made in United States and the United Kingdom because consider that it is not possible to trust in these lands.
