Iran will not retaliate by completing a year of Soleimani’s assignment

Iran is taking revenge against the United States by its assassin one year after its powerful commander, Qasem Soleimani, who lost the Iranian influence over its allied militias in the Middle East in recent tensions.

“Any action taken by anyone against us will be answered with a reciprocal, decisive and firm blow,” assured the commander in chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hosein Salamí.

Washington is launching a retaliatory action on Tehran’s part in commemorating the first anniversary of Soleimani’s death in a selective bombing on March 3, 2020 near Baghdad’s airport.

Although a week after the Revolutionary Guards attacked with missiles a military base in Iraq in the presence of hostile troops, the final revenge was completely executed.

To honor Soleimani’s memory, hundreds of people gathered in the village of Kerman, his native town. Tras aguardar pacientement su su turnu, tocaron el sepulcro, cubierto con flores, y rezaron duran une ceremony en el cementement y en una mezquita proxima.

His image is omnipresent in cartels and walls in Kerman’s calls like that of Tehran, in which he also appears the number of the Iraqi militia Multitud Popular, Abu Mahdi al Mohandes, failed in the same bombing a year ago.

Soleimani, a martyr and hero of Iran and other countries in the region such as Iraq and Syria, was the commander of the Fuerza Quds, enlisted in the missions in the Foreign Guard of the Revolutionary Guard.

His legacy is firm firm

The assassination of Soleimani sucks a strong wave for Iran and its regional influenza strategy, but one year later there were no major changes in Iranian politics in supporting armed movements such as the Iraqi Multitud Popular, the Lebanese Hezbollah or Pal.

“As a good commander, informing his colleagues of his plans and projects, the preparation for signing his job”, explained to Efe the expert in international support Sabah Zanganeh, who occupied the cargo of the deputies, Deputy Minister and representative of Iran ante the Organization for the Islamic Cooperation.

According to the analyst, the strategy of Fuerza Quds “was not designed by a single person”, because the death of Soleimaní in the way of influencing his plans “motivated members more to follow their metas, including the withdrawal of them tropes stadiums of the region “.

Iran is leading the Eje Resistance campaign against EE. UU. and Israel, vertebrae by Fuerza Quds, which includes Syria and the quoted groups Multitud Popular, Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as the Houthi rebels of Yemen.

“There is no sign of the rupture of its plans or the retreat of its forces,” Zanganeh said, adding that its strategy is “a large place, has not been affected (by the death of Soleimani) and continues in Iraq, Syria. “Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen”.

His successor in command of the Fuerza Quds, Esmail Qaani, underlined that he had been ostracized by Soleimani for this military coup and for the Eje de la Resistencia “not to change, sing the perverted acts of the United States”.

In the cement of Hoy in Kerman, Aqdas Jozai, a woman of 65 years dressed with chador, dijo a Efe que su muerte fue “muy dura y dolorosa”, pero que ahora “todos son Qasem Soleimani, malbres en el terreno para cumllir sus objivos “.

The inconvenient presence of stadium

The tropical cities present in Iraq and in the military bases of the Persian Gulf, among other places to live in Iran, are the main objective and retreat, the revenge post by Soleimani’s assassin.

“The truck of the dura venganza is the collapse of the political dominion over the region and the eviction of the EE. UU. From the zone”, says the commander in charge of the Revolutionary Guardia.

The interests of the state, mainly the fortified zone of Baghdad and Iraqi military bases with very strong troops, are located at the point of mira and are white in the last year of frequent attacks with projectiles.

Washington has decided to reduce the number of Iraqi soldiers and soldiers now, and the menos de dos semanas estovisto que solo queden 2,500 militares estadounidenses.

Also the Iranian supreme leader, Ali Jamenei, who has the ultimate vocabulary in the important decisions of the country, urged in a recent discourse on the Eje of the Resistance to “complete with the need to expel the United States of the region”.

“So much so that we’re assigned to it as water that the executor needs to know that we’re taking revenge on time, at the right time,” warned Jamenei, who had already called Iran’s primary action for reprimand as a simple “bofetada.”

The region on alert

For this reason, in the wake of the new reprisals for ephemeral reasons, United States has withdrawn the only port of the Armada that has been held in the Middle East and has been sober this week in the Persian Gulf with a group of B-52 bombers intention of dissatisfaction.

These movements have been approved by Tehran for “provocation” in a map of the UN Security Council, in which it is stated that “there are treacherous tendencies that can escalate the situation to an alarming level and EE. UU. Will be the only responsible “.

For Salami, who assures Iran that “it is prepared to respond to any aggression”, the United States intends with its measures to “escape from the pesadilla” which began with Soleimani’s assignment.

The revenge also took place in the stands. The Judicial Power of Iran defines that the assassin committed an act of terrorism a violation of international law and recently informed that he had identified 48 people involved in the crime.

In addition, last June, Iran issued an order of arrest against the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and 35 other political-military officials, including the Interpol International Police Agency, without accepting the application.

The analyst and antiguo responsible Zanganeh indicated that Iran was “not reacting to an impulsive form” and was still trying to convince him of any retaliation to the other party.

“Washington must withdraw its tropes from the region or pay attention to incidents that could provoke Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese and other peace resistance militias,” he said.
