Iran organizes United States Lyrics – Middle East – International

The Revolutionary Guardian of Iran advirtió este miércoles a los dirigentes de United States who ordered the assignment of the Iranian General Power Qasem Soleimani hace a year that does not tend tranquilidad “ni in the interior of its houses”.

(In context: Iraqis returned to Soleimani and demanded EE’s trophic salute. UU.).

“Antes hemos dicho y ahora también lo decimos que la derrota y la venganza han comenzado y ustedes ya no podrán tener tranquilidad ni en ind interior de sus casas”, subrayó en un discurso el comandante de la Fuerza Quds de la Guardia Revolucionaria, Esmail Qaani, Soleimani’s successor in this case.

Qaani assures that all those involved in the assessment, from the President of the State, Donald Trump, to its Secretary of State, deben saber that “no one can feed the hero of the lucha against terrorism in the region and lie live comfortably”, according to the official agency IRNA.

(Here: Can Trump audited audiences be able to generate legal consequences?).

Hecho, they just have to learn the precautions he has taken to adopt the Indo-British writer Salman Rushdie, against which the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ruholá Jomeiní, dictated a “fetus” while on his execution by his book
The satanic verses‘of 1988.

If you fill in all our obligations, we will also fill in all our obligations

Of other lads, Iranian President Hasan Rohani, assured these markets that his country would have to deal with “all” its nuclear obligations if United States regress to
acuerdo de 2015
, despite Iran’s empresera to enrich uranium at 20%.

(Here: Increased tension over enriched uranium production in Iran).

Dirigiéndose al presidente electo estadounidense, Joe Biden, Rohani urgió a EE. UU. “Position yourself on the legal platform and comply with their compromises”, following the statements made by the Iranian Presidency web page.

“Our response is explicit, clear and unambiguous. We decide that if we fill in all our obligations, we will also fill in all our obligations”, underlined the Iranian mandate during the cabinet meeting.


Iran does not condone the amendments and sanctions imposed and enriches its uranium production. In the photo, President Rohaní.

EE. UU., Bajo la administración de Donald Trump, abandon and 2018 the modo one-sided el acuerdo kernfirma entre Iran and its great powers and volvio and impressive sanctions on Persian countries to force a new negotiation.

With respect, Rohani underlined that nadie in the world can go to the median nation “sanctions and economic war” and that the people of Iran “follow their truck with force”.

For its part, Biden has been shown to be involved in the pactalthough it insisted that Deberian renounce some of the issues and include other issues, such as the Iranian ballistic missile program, to which Tehran is concerned.


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