iPhone 13 is perhaps the phone that never gets on the shelves. This is why people think so


Andrew Hoyle / CNET

Until Apple’s party in the fall, will continue the guessing game about the name of the upcoming iPhone family. At CNET, we referred to the next generation iPhone family as the iPhone 13 for the sake of continuity, but a recent spate of reports suggests that we may never get an iPhone 13.

Out of the possible names are the rumors that the iPhone 12S is the forerunner for this series. In a January Bloomberg article, referring to Apple engineers, only minor upgrades are planned for the upcoming series, which is likely to be an “S” version of the iPhone 12. The subject Jon Prosser is also on an iPhone 12S shown. We have seen in the past how Apple uses this naming scheme with the iPhone 6S of 2015, which replaced the iPhone 6 of 2014, and again with the iPhone XS of 2018, a sequel to the iPhone X of 2017.

But if other reports are accurate, there will be no iPhone 13 on the shelves next year or: Apple is expected to jump to an iPhone 14 in 2022, with the exception of “iPhone 13” in its denomination altogether. Here’s why.


Patrick Holland / CNET

The name iPhone 13 can be bad for optics

It’s no secret that the number 13’s association with bad luck has reactions from the real world. Just ask the real estate developers who are leaving the 13th floor out of their heights, the bunch of couples staying away to get married on the 13th, or the psychologists treating patients for triscide phobia, the fear of the number 13.

Apple knows that this less favorable perception can deter customers from buying an iPhone 13. In the past, Apple has not hesitated to brand its products with the number 13, after buying the A13 Bionic disk drive and the iOS 13 software update, for example. It’s a branding exercise with higher interests, but we’re talking about a consumer product as opposed to a component or software. Plus, the iPhone is Apple’s party product, responsible for generating nearly 50% of Apple’s billions of dollars in revenue – and it’s one of the most popular consumer products ever.

Read more: Apple’s iPhone 12 led to the largest revenue and profit in its company history

iphone x iphone 8 8 plus

The iPhone X (center), launched in 2017 alongside the iPhone 8 (left) and iPhone 8 Plus (right).

Sarah Tew / CNET

iPhone 12S paves the way for a major upgrade

By going by the name iPhone 12S and skipping the iPhone 13, Apple can also set the scene for a comprehensive design overhaul when the iPhone 14 or 15 arrives, just as with the iPhone X. You may recall that Apple skipped the iPhone 9 name in 2017, instead of succeeding the 2016 iPhone 7 with the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X. And do not forget that the iPhone X is the standard that redefines design standards and paved the way for today’s iPhone.

According to some accounts, the iPhone 14 or 15 (or whatever Apple decides to call it) could be the popular entry into the world of foldable smartphones. To be clear, we can not say with certainty whether a foldable iPhone will ever see the light of day, but we hope it can happen as early as next year. According to a report by Bloomberg, published in January, Apple already has a working prototype of a foldable iPhone screen, but does not confirm it. Other outlets, such as the Economic Daily in Taiwan, have set 2022 as the year in which the foldable iPhone comes into its own. The noted Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo pointed to 2023.

Until Apple’s fall event, there are no guarantees as to what name will be cleared on this year’s iPhone. But if you’re interested in learning more about what we expect from Phone 13, or ahem, iPhone 12S family, read our summary of the juiciest iPhone rumors.
