Investigation finds accusation of insurrection in the Capitol is a sympathetic Nazi message

(CNN) – A reservist of the Ejército accused of harassing the Capitol of EE.UU. is a white and sympathetic supremacist Nazi convoy in the naval base who works as a counterattack, and including being reprimanded for luring a distinctive “bigot de Hitler”, would give the taxpayers a new report.

Federal taxpayers are revealing the fires that the Navy is conducting its own internal investigation into Timothy Hale-Cusanelli and discovering numerous incidents in the promotion of racist and sexist points of view. The Criminal Naval Investigation Service interviewed 44 of its colleagues and 34 of them said that it has “extremist extremist views on the Jewish people, the minors and the women”.

Hale-Cusanelli, 30 years old, was accused of inciting criminal charges, which included obstruction of Congressional proceedings, civil disobedience and public order altercation in the Capitol. It has not yet been declared to the cargoes.

His defense attorney said he would not comment on the details of the Marine investigation, but said in court documents that Hale-Cusanelli said he was not a white supremacist.

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The colleagues told the Marine investigators that Hale-Cusanelli was commenting on the diary against the judges, abogaba to feed babies rescued with disabilities and had “problems with women”, according to legal documents. The tax authorities will find racist memes on their phone, including one with the phrase “N” (an English expression that is degrading to black people), one that compares black people with animals and other insults to George Floyd.

A New Jersey federal magistrate ordered his release shortly after his arrest in January, but the Department of Justice convened a mayoral hearing in Washington to block his release in hopes of a further revision. A detention hearing is scheduled for the Jews.

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Hale-Cusanelli works as a security contractor at the Naval Army Station near Colts Neck, New Jersey. Tenia has a “secret” security authorization as part of its work, it will tax.

The Marina launched its own internal investigation after Hale-Cusanelli was arrested in March, and three dozen of his colleagues shared stories of his alleged racist and intolerant comments. The tax authorities will remove the halls of the Marina in a document that is required to be detained.

One of Hale-Cusanelli’s supervisors told investigators that he was accepting his new colleagues and asked them: “Are you right, Verdad?” A suboficial affirmation that the oyeron states that: “Jews, women and blacks are in the lower part of the totem”. Another counterpart on the basis that Hale-Cusanelli states that the judges “are arrogant and do not belong here,” according to the document.

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In an impactful revelation, the fiscal thieves that Hale-Cusanelli read on the basis of the passing of a bigot that appeared to be Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. The supervisors of the union de sus and the investigating officers of the Marina stand in front of a Hale-Cusanelli of su aparente «bigote de Hitler».

Another official naval record – that Hale-Cusanelli says: “Hitler must have finished the job”.

The tax authorities will also find evidence on their phone that, according to Dijeron, the Hale-Cusanelli extremist views are probable. Watch a video on what superstitiously impulses the theory of the conspiracy that “the Jews will commit the attack of September 11” and another clip on what superstitiously says: “Audio to the immigrants […] intensely ».

On the day of the insurrection in the Capitol, the tax authorities say that Hale-Cusanelli has made a video of him mourning an obscene vulgarity to a female police officer who is protecting the edification.

El abogado verdediger rechaza las accusaciones

His lawyer, Jonathan Zucker, said in court documents that Hale-Cusanelli was not a violent man and that he could be released on bail after the guardianship of his New Jersey associates.

«El Sr. Hale-Cusanelli is accused of entering into derivatives and entering into the territories of the Capitol, mainly analogous to the illegal entry, “Zucker wrote in a court statement. “No acts of violence or destruction were committed. Nunca agredió ni amenazó a nadie ».

In an interview with FBI agents, Hale-Cusanelli was sympathetic to the Nazis or had white supremacist views, according to defense documents. His lawyer acknowledged that his clients’ publications on social media were “controversial”, but stated that they were mainly focused on local politics.

One of Hale-Cusanelli’s supervisors at the naval base will present a map defending Hale-Cusanelli and attacking the press. Refused the accusations that Hale-Cusanelli is a white supremacist on the signal that “with frequency the pagaba el desayuno” to a black colleague.

“I was horrified by the form in which the column was printed with respect to the fact that he was a ‘white supremacist’,” said the sergeant. John Getz wrote it for the day. “Nunca lo había visto así”.

Getz dijo que staba «orgulloso de tener a alguien como [Hale-Cusanelli] sirviendo bajo mi mando ». (Since his arrest, Hale-Cusanelli has been excluded from the naval base working with Getz).

But the tax authorities are saying that this comment is “directly contradictory” to what Getz said to the Marina investigators. Getz told the Marina that Hale-Cusanelli was a Holocaust negotiator who made racist comments in a “no-brainer” manner and confronted Hale-Cusanelli about his behavior.

When FBI agents interviewed Getz about the discrepancy, he said no staff had been contacted about Hale-Cusanelli’s conduct and that he wanted to “speak positively” about him.

Hale-Cusanelli has been on the sidelines since 2009. Judicial documents say that he has been fired since January 6, but the Department of Defense says Monday is not the case.

“The leadership of the Reserve of Ejército is reviewing the information on the subject conducted by the Hale-Cusanelli Sergeant and taking into account the appropriate administrative means with the Regulations of the Ejército”, said the coronel.

The Ejército Reserva de Estados Unidos toma takes seriously all the allegations of participation of civilians or civilians of the Ejército in extremist groups and addresses this problem of agreement with the regulations of the Ejército and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. “Extremist ideologies and activities directly oppose our values ​​and beliefs and those who subscribe to extremism do not lie in our paths.”

Barbara Starr, of CNN, makes an important contribution.
